I'm hoping that by joining this website I can talk to others who have been in similar situations as me. I'm absolutely terrified about it, but I really do want to try and at least help others with similar anxieties. I hardly speak to others about them, so who better to speak to about my anxiety than complete strangers.

My anxiety track record:

• Age 4-8: Constant need to make everything I do even e.g. equal pressure on each foot when I walk
• Age 4-6: Habit of smelling fingers and getting anxious if I couldn't.
• Age 6-8: Irrational thoughts that friends and family held a secret club against me.
• Age 6-8: Fear of suddenly stop breathing
Fear of not being able to swallow (had to go to a doctor to get an x-ray which came up with nothing)
• Age 6-13: Emetaphobia (fear of being sick) also included being scared of others being sick.(Still occurs now and then)
• Age 8-present day: Sense of fear every school night and day, thinking that something is going to go wrong during the day.
• Age 14: Used weight as a control mechanism.
• Age 7-present day: Fear of not pleasing someone, making them not like me, to the point of being a doormat and doing anything they say to ensure they like me.

I'm aware that some of these may seem silly, but they all caused me anxiety at some point in my life.
So, that was my unexpectedly long introduction to this website. If anyone has any advice on the last point, I would be very grateful. Thank you for reading