Hello, it's about 5 am here and I am up with anxiety, thought I would post here. I'm a 23 year old male college student and I've had panic disorder and have been taking Zoloft for most of life. A few days ago I had a really bad panic attack that kept me up until around this same time, I ran out of meds about a week ago and only now got them refilled. So I've been up really late the past few nights because I pretty much go to sleep at the at the same time as the previous night unless my schedule changes. I have class at 9 so tried to go to sleep a few hours ago. Sense then whenever I lay down I get a panicky feeling in my chest, almost like a palpation but more like a cold pit, then comes hot flashes and shivering. This has happened about 4 or 5 times now, every time I think I have calmed myself enough to go to sleep it comes back. I was wondering if anyone else had a similar problem and had any advice? Hopefully the meds will kick back in a few days and this will blow over, until then, any help is greatly appreciated.