So, this is my first post- still getting used to navigating the website. Last year, after feeling like my throat was closing up on me all the time, the doctor diagnosed me with GAD. I never really thought about the reason why I feel so shitty all the time is due to anxiety, after reading up on a bit more, it all made much more sense. Since realising that is what the problem was, my life has just gotten worse and worse. The anxiety is taking over my life. I am sick of university- I was at college for two years and went directly to 3rd year. I hate it, I hate the people, I hate the lecturers, and I no longer have an interest in what I'm studying (marketing). I've been missing days here and there, and it distresses me because I know people will be talking about the fact I'm never there, probably putting it down to me being lazy or whatever. The days I do go in, forcing myself to interact with others makes me feel terrible, once I get home I feel exhausted and just want to run away and hide. I only have a couple more weeks left before the summer, but all the deadlines are getting to me, I try but I just do not care. The thought of doing another year there is depressing me, but I don't want to be doing nothing for a year. There are so many things I want to do, but I just can't find the right motivation. I want to lose weight, I would love to lose all my excess fat and then help others lose weight, but I can't stick to anything. I'm stressed, depressed and full of anxiety, and no one understands . Wah, would really love some advice I guess