Hi all, I'm new to this forum!
I've been having on and off anxiety since 2009, I'm now 19. I've learnt to deal with all of my issues that come around without any professional help and I've been really good! But recently I've started having sleep problems, which I'm not dealing with so easily. It used to be mild anxiety about sleep, and when I felt tired I eventually got to sleep. Now its turned into not actually sleeping some nights because I'm so afraid! Thinking about sleep from the moment I wake up (if I do sleep that is) to the early hours of the morning. I use positive thinking to overcome most issues, and positively thinking about getting to sleep worked for me for a while until I didn't sleep at all, then I thought nothing would ever work. On wednesday it was my birthday, and I couldn't do much because I didn't get any sleep the night before. I eventually went to the doctors and she prescribed me Somidem (zolpidem tartrate). This has been working, but I would love to get off pills! I've realised my problem is not sleeping, but the anxiety surrounding the insomnia :\ I've tried all the natural remedies like glass of warm milk, bath before bed etc. but nothing calms me down to get to sleep! Please help!!
Thanks, sorry for such a long post!