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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    What is wrong with me??


    As the title says, I don't know whats happening to me. What is wrong? I'm having weird symptoms. At first I thought I had a heart attack. Then it went from heart attack to panic attack. Then I thought I had infarction. Then it went from infarction to derealization/depersonalization. And now, I'm suspecting general anxiety disorder(GAD). I don't know whats wrong. I'm gonna see my doc tomorrow. Here's my symptoms:

    * Constantly anxiety and flight/fight response.
    * Worried all the time and always stressed.
    * Derealization/depersonalization but very mild.
    * Sometimes my heart starts beating fast and hard and I get dizzy and "shaky". Kind of a "mini-panic attack".
    * Chest pain comes and goes through-out the day.
    * Can't sleep until' I'm really really tired.
    * Depression.

    The symptoms are causing my symptoms. Like, chest hurting>worry>panic>dp/dr>can't sleep and so on. I also thought I had asthma, because sometimes It's heavy to breathe. Even though I'm not having a panic attack. Also, everything gets worse at night.

    I feel like sh*t atm. I can't study or do a anything, because I'm always worried. I haven't been in school for 2 weeks and I'm missing alot. I'm 18 yrs old btw. Help is really appreciated!
    Last edited by AliasEQ; 01-22-2014 at 08:08 AM.



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