Not sure if anybody read my welcome thread back in october but i have various concerns and questions, mostly due to my excessive fear of serious disease which started 4 years ago (20 years old now). However, october of this year was a major breaking point. I had just lost a girl and my grades were slipping. I had also quit dipping after 3 stupid months of doing it and noticed my gums recede a tiny bit(automatically thought i had oral cancer or gum disease) I was working all day friday night through sunday, then class monday through friday. I came down with what I think/thought was the flu(fever,chills, lost water weight, loss of appetite) but also had blurred vision and dry mouth which are not exactly the most common flu symptoms, so I did the common mistake of googling it and it spiraled out of control. My sides ached(not sure why, could have been my mattress at school but it freaked me out) and I searched online, and soon thought my kidneys were failing. Went to the ER and they did a blood/urine sample and said the tests were good.

That was a relief for me, and it made most of the symptoms go away for a week. Then my legs began to twitch and I got the heart palpitations(extra/skipped heart beat) that I am very familiar with and I shook it off and told myself it was definitely anxiety. Now my joints seem to be cracking alot and I'm getting random quick pains throughout my body and joints, which is worse when I think about it, and I have myself convinced I have Lyme again. I also have a couple cankers(it's winter, nothing abnormal) and whenever I feel something different in my mouth it immediately makes me think cancer and I go into panic mode. I also just feel a shakiness inside of me, which is always visible in my hands but otherwise it is just an inside feeling. I haven't smoked marijuana since high school but I did it the other night and it made my symptoms go away for the night.

Thoughts? I don't know whether to be concerned or not and seek a second opinion from another doctor or to just tell myself it's anxiety and to focus on something else. Has anybody else experienced a "rotation" of symptoms like this?