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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Emotional Amnesia and Relationship Identity Crisis

    Has anyone here ever forgotten somebody? Like almost literally forgotten somebody -- all your emotional connections to them and memories, feelings, investment in them. It's like having emotional amnesia.

    I've had this experience in several of my relationships in the past 6 years; bliss, togetherness, true intimacy, passion, deep understanding of one another and respect for each other's humanity, mind, body, soul, and then all of a sudden there's a trigger (it's been virtually anything) and your mind goes blank. You don't feel like yourself and you can't remember how you feel about them. You become dissociated from only them specifically and feel very uncomfortable and disturbed about how to find your way back. Seconds in the new state of mind feel like days and within a week it feels like you've been apart from them for forever; it is physically impossible to feel like yourself around them again or to relax/let your guard down/trust yourself or be yourself.

    Btw the trigger was just a very minor fight we had over me feeling irrationally abandoned by her not knowing whether late at night would be the best time to come see me after I had a long day's work (I asked her to even though it was unreasonable and we'd only have several hours together in the dead of night). I then basically emotionally abandoned her and when she showed up at my door anyway I felt very removed and detached from her. She apologized, but from then it's only gotten worse and the anxiety is so unbearable, I don't feel like myself. By the way this was one week ago and I feel impenetrably, irreconcilably separated from her.

    It just feels like I don't remember my girlfriend organically. I'm forcing myself to talk to her but I have no clue what to say. It's the oddest feeling. I just forgot the person I was most in love with.
    Last edited by lostinlimbo; 12-06-2013 at 12:02 AM.



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