Hello All,

I have recently been dealing with what i think is anxiety and have been so confused to what has been happening to me. I am a 29 yr old Male who loves life and i have a wonderful family (I.E wife, mom, dad, siblings etc.). I have a good job and never had any real stress in my life. about 3 months ago i had what i guess was my first panic attack that cam out of nowhere. I had a lot of unwanted thoughts in my head, very hot, and could not stop thinking the worst. i thought was was going absolutely insane!!! It lasted on and off for about 2 days then i was back to completely back to normal in 2 days after my friends told me i was having a panic attack. i was so relived that i was not going crazy that i was back to normal and felt great!!! i had also been a smoker for 13 years prior to 2 months before the panic attack so i figured that was probably the cause. Well, 2 weeks later my wife and i found out we are expecting a baby which is what we have been trying for around the time of my first panic attack. we think she may have got pregnant the first try . 2 days after she told me the good news the anxiety came back again. Its weird because i have never in my life experienced any anxiety so it is all new to me. After a few weeks of my mind racing and the "What Ifs" i went to see my doctor. He told me it was anxiety and not to worry as he put me on Celexa.. How am i not to worry when i am feeling like i am going crazy and having a feeling i have never felt before?? I have been taking 20mg dose now for about 5 weeks with little side effects but don't know how i should be feeling..

First week.. i felt weird (expected)
Second week.. on and off anxiety
Third week.. bad anxiety
Forth week.. amazing.no anxiety and felt very normal
Fifth week.. on and off again

Does anyone know what i am going through????

everyone has told me i am having anxiety because i am have my first child. That very well could be but again in my 29 years of living i have never felt like this.

Does Celexa improve as time goes on??

i guess my real problem is i want to be myself again and i dont know anyone really who has had what im feeling. I am very happy i found this forum. if anybody has any advice or know what im going through please please please share
