My panic attacks seem to set off my I feel like I am trapped at a certain event for a certain amount of time. The best example I can give is when I board a train panic attack kicks in as I feel I am trapped on the train adm there's nothing I can do about it. If the train journey is a short one, my panic is at a low level. But if the journey exceeds say 30min I panic like I'm trapped on there forever. The biggest gear is been sick or needi the toilet when I can't get to it. The same happens anywhere say a social event and sometimes work. I feel like i am trapped there for a certain amount of time. As the time draws to and end e.g end of shift or train pulling into my station the panic completey disappears and I think "why the hell do in panic for no reason" it's not social because I'm thing in pubs buys it's mainly journeys or places I'm need to be for a certain amour of time makes me me panicey and sick like i am trapped!