Hi, I am a 15 year old male and I haven't had any anxiety related problems in the past. Three days ago I watched a video about sleep paralysis and it terrified me, despite never having an experience of anything of that sort. Since then I have been in a constant state of fear and nervousness. I am scared of things watching me and seeing things in darkness/hallucination. My stomach has been hurting constantly and my heart has constantly been pounding because of my nervousness as well. I am startled and frightened extremely easily as well. It has gotten to the point where sometimes I am startled and extremely frightened when I get a notification of my phone. I cannot relax because I am always nervous. I feel as though my subconscious is scared but I am not. I feel as though I have convinced myself that I have problems even though I don't. This is extremely terrifying to me because I have never had any anxiety or fear problems in the past so I don't know why this is happening now. Ironically, when sleeping I am not scared but relaxed in my dreams. Also I have not been in school during the period of time that I have been describing.

How can I go back to normal and why is this happening?