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Thread: so angry.

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  1. #1
    Hey guys, some of you might of seen my other post about my anxiety in general, anyways I mention intrusive thoughts and also how out of the blue I looked at my partner and my family and just felt nothing , disconnected, no love distant and it happened within a second. Since then ive only been round my partner as my family dont live were I am, and every now and then I have these b.s thoughts 'what if I dont love him anymor' 'do i?' 'he doesnt deserve me thinking this' Awh my gawd there back just like that!! Im actually going nuts! It just came on after we were play fighting, he does know about these feelings I get, as again those of you who read my last post will know hes my rock always supporting me, letting me cry on his shoulder he understands and is always there for me.

    Am I alone with these feelings why am I feeling them? I know I love him ots almost like the more happiness I gain aka laughing and playfighting, the harder I fall and take a step back and have these 'do I love him' and I over think it to the point I get worse intrusive thoughts im on the verge of crying im so fed up of this, its like im not allowed to be happy with him.

    Its not even just him though when im like this I dont even give my family a thought.

    I used to be really really really broody, but since my anxiety flared back up in June the thought of having a baby makes me feel sick..why, I dont know! Its like I try to convince myself its all wrong and I need out. But its not.. Someone please tell me you understand and why :/
    Last edited by Sarah_1292; 09-25-2013 at 02:50 PM.



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