hello. i've never properly used a forum before so sorry if i'm terrible.
last night at about 4am my dad's car got stolen and burnt out. i woke up to the police banging on the door so that freaked me out. and then my dad explained in the morning what happened. ugh that made no sense. i'm better at explaining in dot points so:

  • the police were at my back door at 4am
  • dad and them had a chat for awhile and it turned out his car had been driven to the other side of town and burnt
  • i freaked out and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night
  • i have a dog and she normally barks her head off at anyone friend or foe (she lost her marbles when the police came through the gate)
  • yet she made no noise whatsoever to indicate someone taking the car
  • right now its 11:41pm and i'm writing this to avoid going to sleep
  • i don't want to sleep in case the people who stole the car try and break into the house
  • but i'll have to sleep eventually as i have school tomorrow
  • we have no alarm system on the house and i'm physically disabled so i can't really defend myself

please help me to feel better. i don't really know how you could but i guess just knowing what it feels like to have your brain freak out is a good start.
sorry if the dot points didn't make sense either, like i said it's quite late and im also shaking so :c <3