Hello everyone, I'm new to the site. Just gonna share my story and ask you who are probably a bit more experienced for any advice you can give, so thanks in advance for reading.

I first started having panic attacks about this time last year when I started a new job. At first I didn't know what it was that was making me feel sick and dizzy- I was told my ear was slightly inflamed and it must be that. Then that maybe I had labrythitis. Secretly I suspected I was pregnant and spent my free time googling symptoms and becoming more and more paranoid, but too scared to do a test. (I see now that this was only making things worse because I was working myself up about it- and not telling anyone) Eventually I went to the doctor for tests. I was not pregnant, and there was absolutely nothing else wrong with me, according to blood tests. Things were getting better anyway- I'd settled in at work etc... so I left it at that. I went back to university and everything was okay for a good while. Then I split from my boyfriend, and the pressure started piling up as it was my final year at uni. I started smoking marijuana a bit again and took mdma a few times in my spare time. I drank a lot too as a stereotypical student. I started to have the attacks again. Since then it's just got worse- even though I've now finished uni, and have a job lined up- I'm still getting them and it seems almost everytime I go out I feel a little nervous at least.

I've lately started to develop a feeling of urgently needing to go to the toilet- even when I just have been. I'm terrified I'm going to wet myself. The more awful a situation it would be to occur in, the worse the feeling that I'm going to feels. I never have, and I keep telling myself I won't. But it doesn't stop it happening. The worst panic attack was when i was on a bus. I'd been drinking the night before and I started feeling like I couldnt breathe. Like I would wet myself. That I would puke. My hands went tingly and numb and stiff (never had that before or since). It was horrible.

Now my main worry is I have my graduation ceremony in a couple of weeks and I need to be there, and I need to know that this won't happen. Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm really trying to try and overcome this myself- I don't want medication or anything. I know I can do it myself but every time i tell myself I'm stronger than this I still have the niggling voice of doubt in my mind. I hate it.