It may have taken me 4 grueling months to completely overcome my anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders, but those 4 months were nothing compared to the 18 years i've suffered with anxiety and depression!
If I can do it, you can do it!

I've just written my free book on my free website on exactly how I overcame depression, with ALL the techniques I used and created, in full in-depth detail of how to use and apply them.
See my profile for website link^

Hope this helps, even if just a little!!!

Melt Like Butter

Melt like butter is my variation on a common relaxation technique, used to control your physical sensations and feelings, which when you put your body in a complete state of relaxation, makes it virtually impossible for your mind to worry.

When to apply?

o Should be practiced daily!
o During an anxiety attack, period of worry or dread
o After a period of anxiety.
o Before going to sleep
o When you can’t sleep

Where to apply?

This technique works best when you are lying down in bed. However you can easily apply this technique any place, at any time!

How to apply:

*Each time your tense your muscle or body part, hold your breath, when you release your tension, breath out with a deep sigh.

1. Rate yourself from 1-100 1-being tense, 100-feeling like melted butter.
2. Set a goal you wish to achieve by the end of this exercise. On the scale of 1-100
3. Get comfortable.
4. Start by clenching your toes for a count of three
5. Then release your toes, letting go of all tension trying to make your toes resemble melting butter. Completely and utterly relaxed and free from any tension
6. Repeat this step a second and third time.
7. Stretch your feet trying to point them upwards
8. Release this stretch, letting go of all tension as the same above
9. Repeat this step a second and third time.
10. Now your flex your calf muscles
11. Release the tension
12. Repeat this step a second and third time.
13. Repeat the tension, release and repeat for the following body parts in this order. Tensing as hard as you can, before releasing trying to feel like melting butter.
14. Quadriceps
15. Gluteus Maximus (your butt)
16. Abdominal region
17. Hands
18. Forearms
19. Biceps
20. Chest
21. Shoulders
22. Neck
23. Jaw
24. Scrunch your face up
25. Raise your eyebrows
26. Full body all at once
27. Once you have gone through all of these body parts, tensing, relaxing and repeating a second and third time, rate yourself again on the scale of 1-100.
28. Repeat all of the above until you have reached your desired target.

*This technique can be applied with and without your eyes being opened, however it is advisable you do not operate a motor vehicle or heavy machinery after or during applying these techniques, as they can and may cause drowsiness.

Why this works?

By tensing the body part, you learn what total tension feels like. This makes releasing all tension on the release of grip an easy thing to do, while repeating this two or three times increases the extent of the release of tension, helping you become more and more relaxed.
Research has proven numerable times, that it is virtually impossible for your body to be anxious when your body at easy. When you change your physiology, you change your psychology.