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Thread: college anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Exclamation college anxiety

    I'm feeling anxious about college lately. I'm doing an animal management course, and though I love to work with animals, I don't know if I can do this. An assignment I just got isn't exactly the most complicated thing in the world, but it has a lot to do in it. Plus, I have to design a bloody leaflet. I don't know how to make a leaflet. And if I'm feeling overwhelmed now, just what exactly is it going to be like in the later years of education. I'm questioning whether or not this is really what I want to do with my life. Do I really have it in me for three years of college. I enjoy being there, but I feel like the going will get too tough and I'll fail. I still have another assignment besides that one to do. I've never been a hard worker, and I just don't know if I'm made of the right stuff to be going to college. Does anyone have anything to say that might reassure me a little.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hello okami!

    It is VERY common for people to feel like that when they first start college. Actually, most people that drop out do it during the first few months. I am an academic who spends most of my time inside a classroom, and I cannot tell you how many students come to me, every year, with the same doubts you have. I have only one piece of advice: do your best to bear it until March. By then it's highly unlikely that you'll still be feeling this way. And it's not as though you had anywhere else to go, the economy being in the mess it is right now.

    I know it's tough at first, but that's the whole point! To make you get over your limits and become more productive, more intelligent, and more likely to be successful later on. No pain, no gain, and I think you'll agree with me that it's at least worth a bit of sacrifice! Do your best right now, and believe me when I say that, once you get used to it, things won't be as hard, even if the syllabuses are!

    Keep us posted.

  3. #3
    Heyy! I have just started college and I'm doing an animal management course as well! Coursework is overwhelming but if you keep doing some bit by bit you find you do actually get somewhere just try and think is there anything else you are remotely interested in doing, if you can't think of an answer then you know you are doing the right thing hope this helped, feel free to message me if you want



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