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  1. #1

    Unhappy Anxiety or something serious? I'm so scared.

    I do suffer from anxiety, but it has been a bit better lately. I have had a few worries in my head, but not panic attacks or anything like that.

    I came down with a cold about 4 days ago (i still have it) and I noticed my heart was beating really really hard, and it's been doing it for the past 4 days. Then, on about day 2 of having my cold I started to get my old symptoms of anxiety, but worse. I currently have, a cold, my heart is beating so hard, my stomach is churning (i feel like i could just throw up), headache, really dizzy, shaky when i stand up, really bad weakness and no engery to move, extreme tiredness, a bit of twitching, a bit of memory loss and blurry bad vision. My nausea is really really bad!

    I feel like i'm going to die, that's how ill i feel I'm so weak and I can't do anything.. i'm worrying in my head that i have something wrong with me, but i don't know what.. someone please give me some help on what to do and what this might be!?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    United States
    Sorry you're feeling so awful. Hmm, sickness would enhance anxiety, especially if your like me and freak out over medical stuff. Like this morning I awoke feeling kinda weird, and coughed a bit, and triggered anxiety because my dads house (Where I'm living) isn't too clean. Like the dog has a bladder problem so it piddles on the floor sometimes, like randomly and we'll never know where and when. So the house smells like stale piss in the summer heat. and that freaks me the hell out. Like... I have a disease phobia so I'm always like "What if the pee is molding in the floor and black mold is growing and we'll all develope some terrible lung disease!!!!!" but... It's like.. Idk I just have to calm myself and tell myself its the anxiety, and while I'm in the attack I say "Anxiety, everytime you strike, I get stronger. You won't win" and it eases up.

    I would just tell yourself, that you only have a cold, and just ride it out. Just say "It's just a cold". All this other stuff is panic attack symptoms and the like. And your mind is amplifying it. Just try your best to calm yourself with whatever works. Movies, Tea, cheerful games, or maybe have a friend come over and keep you company. Nausea medicine could work too. If you're really freaking out, call the doctor and talk to a nurse on the phone about it. Don't worry, anxiety can make super super small things WAY bigger than they are. I convinced myself I had a bioharzard alert this morning when I woke up and now I'm looking back at it facepalming and laughing. It's really just our imaginations overreacting.


  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2012
    Goodyear, Arizona
    You have a cold, which is partially why you feel so terrible. You are scared because you think it is serious, which could be making the symptoms worse and causing new ones. Just try to calm down. Do something to take your mind off of your illness. Read books, listen to music, watch TV, etc. If you are still not assured, a visit to the doctor wouldn't hurt. But I'm sure you're fine. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Georgia USA
    I do this too, anytime I am sick it must be the black plague.

    I dont know why we automatically jump to these conclusions, but if I had every disease or health problem that I thought I did, they would use me for science experiments.

    Seriously though, your ok you just have a cold and sometimes they can be bad, just ride it out you will look back and laugh.
    Every lasting scar shows us what it's taken to be who we are.



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