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Thread: Arghhhhhhhhhh

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Angry Arghhhhhhhhhh

    had GAD for around a year now its getting a bit better but atm i have no motivation and i am always tired and i am failing at school which makes me stressed and i cant physically study it just makes me angry cause i dont understand it? i hate school and just want to do somthing i love for the rest of my life which i dont know what it would be but im just here to ask how do i get the motivation to study and work and go gym more often? it seems impossible thanks

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    What are you doing to treat your anxiety???

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Nothing really :/

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Having no motivation and being tired is the norm for teenagers. It's when it affects your daily life and you just can't pull yourself out of it that it becomes problematic. When you were diagnosed with GAD did the doctor offer therapy or meds or offer any advice? You say that you can't study because you don't understand it- do you mean you don't understand why you feel like this or you don't understand the work? No wonder you don't want to study if you don't understand it- if this is the case then you need to seek help from teachers, there is no point studying if you don't get the work. If you find the work fine and you just don't want to study then that is normal, no one really does want to study! Try and look at what you will get out of studying and passing your exams- you do well and the world is your oyster, you can go on to do what you want to do. You could set yourself goals and treats for when you study, like "if I study for a couple of hours today then i can go do something I enjoy". I remember when I was at school I would make a study timetable that included some study time and fun time as well. If you are so tired that you can't study/go to the gym then you should go to the doctor to see if there is an underlying health problem- underactive thyroid, vitamin deficiency etc.
    If you find that no matter what you do you just can't kick yourself up the a** and get on with things then please speak to a doctor or maybe a school counsellor or teacher. There is nothing worse than struggling alone.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Hey butter cup and he didnt give me meds and just said ignore the thoughts which i did but with all these fearful thoughts and feeling down and school being bad i have just yeah let it all come back. And yeah i totally agree but i am just so lazy and 2 hours of study to me sounds impossible!

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Oh and thank you

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Could you go see a different doctor? The one you saw sounds just like the doctor I originally saw when I first started getting anxiety. I was 19 and at university and I tried to explain to the doctor how I was feeling becuase I knew something was very wrong and I couldn't overcome it. He basically said to me it was normal to feel like that and that almost every other teenager went through the same thing, he said I should just get on with things and stop worrying. Easier said than done! Needless to say things got ten times worse and i ended up seeing a different GP who was really understanding.



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