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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    New here, wanted to say hello...

    I am a looooooog time friend of anxiety. It has ebbed and flowed the past 22 years or so of my life. I have been in counseling, on meds, tried relaxation, etc., etc. pretty much to no avail. I am in a relationship right now that I value more than just about anything. I have been in it for about 2 years. Unfortunately, a HUGE component of my anxiety is either having a loved one die, or having a loved one leave me. These feelings are triggered by someone seeming angry with me, short, or dismissive. I could get very freudian and say what exactly all of that stems from, but I will save that for another post. My partner has had a really rough couple years, and consequently is short, distand, and irritable. I am triggered DAILY that she no longer loves me and is going to leave. The last, oh 9 months or so have been spent with me constantly worrying about this. I did an ok job of not subjecting her to it for a while, but that has changed. Probably at least once a week or so I seem some kind of asssurance from her, and I think she is growing really, really tired of it. I try sooo hard to not do it it, but I haven't had a lot of success so far. I'm just trying to throw everything I have at this issue, because I do not want to drive her away and lose her over my fears. So, that is part of my story. I hope to meet some people experiencing the same thing and maybe make some connections on here. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
    I would think the best thing to do is just sit down and have a talk with her. I'm sure she understands your anxiety. If you trust her, and y'all have a good heart to heart, that may give you the peace of mind to let go a little bit. You always want the person you love to be happy as well. I hope the best for you and your situation.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2012
    I can relate to this. When my anxiety gets bad and stays for a while, I start to wonder if maybe my boyfriend is sick of me and doesn't want to deal with it anymore. If your not feeling good about much,it's easy to worry about your relationship. I would talk to her and tell her this. That it's a common thing for anxiety sufferers to go through this,and that you don't really think she is unfaithful or anything like that,just that you need reassurance sometimes. Anybody worth your time will understand. Hope I helped.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I can completely relate to this. I fear that my fiancé is going to leave me all the time. I even hesitate with wedding plans because I get myself so convinced that he will leave me before than. He knows how I feel and he does give me reassurance but sometimes the mind just plays tricks and it's not enough. The only thing I have done that helps me is whenever I feel a huge wave of anxiety is I write every thought that comes to my mind out. And than I write down positive, more sensible things and reassure myself that my fiancé loves me and is not going to leave. And than when I start to feel those thoughts coming back I re read it and usually it gets me back to reality.



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