Hello everyone! I found this forum when using Google to look up all of my physical anxiety symptoms - hysterical crying, nausea, loss of appetite, etc. etc... I have horrible health anxiety that started right after my daughter was born. I actually think her birth was the big trigger for me, because one week later I was diagnosed with Post Partum Depression and Anxiety. I don't like taking medication, I hate it, but it has saved my sanity and probably my life. For the last six years I have done fairly well with only four or five "episodes" (more like meltdowns). Right now I'm just getting over sinus and ear infections and my anxiety has been set off again. I suspect the culprit this time to be the steroid shot that I got last week to try and open my head up. Steroids always make me a bit crazy, but this time takes the cake!! I am convinced that I have heart disease and will have a heart attack and die before a doctor will discover what's wrong!! I'm too embarrassed to tell my husband, not because he wouldn't be supportive, but I guess because I realize in my own head that I'm being ridiculous. I'm exhausted by the end of the day, and I wake up in the morning with a jolt of panic, followed by nausea and an inability to eat. I spend most of my morning forcing myself to get ready for work, drive to work, get to my desk, and try to accomplish something without anyone noticing that I can't stop crying. The strange thing is that, eventhough I don't feel well enough to work, if I don't force myself to do my normal routine I think I really will collapse and this illness will swallow me whole. I feel like I'm holding on by a thin thread waiting to snap at any moment. I'm scared, really scared. I don't want to die, but I'm afraid I will at any moment. I feel hopeless because I've lost myself and I don't know if I will find my way back. What if THIS TIME is the time that I don't recover? I'm tired of needing someone to pat me on the head every day and say "you're ok", but I DO need it - at least for right now...