So basically, I have been bullied my entire life at school. In my second or third year at secondary school, or high school if you‘re from America, in an attempt to fit in, I picked on someone else. Two people actually, but only in individual, isolated incidents. I was very immature at the time, and as I said, it felt as if I was unwanted by anyone, so I was desperate to fit in any way. Now, however, I have matured and in year 10 and 11 I made true friends and stopped worrying about what others thought of me. I no longer felt the need to fit in with people I don’t even like in the first place. However, there was one more incident. In year 11, there was a year seven using the toilet, and basically, me and a group of other year 11’s made fun of him. It was only afterwards that I realized that it had been bullying and I felt terrible about it, just thinking how dreadful that poor year 7 was feeling. Now, this has come back to haunt me. I’m not a bully, and thankfully these are the only three incidents of me doing so. At the time of doing I didn’t even think of it as bullying, it’s only on hindsight that I realized it is. I feel terrible about all of these, especially the more recent one, though it was months ago now, before I finished school. By the third incident, I thought I had a better comprehension of people’s feelings, but to think I did something like that without even stopping to think about how the poor guy felt being mocked by a group. I know how that feels, it’s horrible. I need some way to get over this and move on, because it’s really getting to me.