I've dealt with anxiety for many years. I was on Paxil about 8 years ago (for 2 years) weaned off with terrible side effects. Switched over to prozac and couldn't adjust. My PCP gave me an ativan script to take as needed. I only take it when I need it (3-4X month). My wife finally convinced me to see a regular shrink, so I did. I left out the fact that I smoke weed occasionally. I also drink occasionally (I told the psychiatrist that I have a few drinks now and then) which was truthful. Anyway, I did some web searches and found that marjiuana can have some bad reactions with Celexa as well as alcohol (I never remember any problems with alcohol with paxil).... I probably have done too much web searching....anyway....I'm proud of myself for finally going to see a psychiatrist..it's been years in the making......but does anyone have any input regarding the occasional marijuana use and Celexa.. because I enjoy the occasional toke and it really does take my anxiety level down 2 notches....I will start taking the Celexa in the AM wish me luck..and please I'd prefer not to hear any lectures about marijuana usage