I suffer from severe anxiety and for me the symptoms are the worst :/ I have chest pains every day which only make me even more anxious, i get them even when i feel relaxed. Sometimes it's a sharp pain, sometimes a dull pain or my chest just feels tight, however,

after starting to exercise more, not a lot of exercise just walking/jogging and dancing i felt a lot better and the chest pains weren't as bad also, i know it sounds strange but try taking something out of the fridge, maybe a drinks bottle or something cold (for me it was a carton of milk) and press it against your chest where it feels tight/painful for a minute. I felt the chest pains disappear straight away and felt so much better

Other things to try: a massage of your back, shoulder is another thing which i found helpful to relieve the tense muscles (massaging the chest area can make it worse) and i'm also going through CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, you can be reffered to a therapist by your doctor) to get rid of the underlying anxiety, which will make the chest pain and other symptoms eventually disappear

Doing all of these, i think will make the chest pains a lot less painful however seeing a doctor just to rule out that the chest pains aren't anything else (which they probably aren't if you already have anxiety) is a good place to start

Hope this helps, reply and tell me if any of this worked for you. They all worked for me
