It sounds like you are having some anxiety from your break up even though you were ready for it to be over. Maybe its not even over the break up any more, its evolved to another manifestation. In the past, I have had the same thing. Its really frustrating and impossible to ignore! Even when its for the best that you be separated from this person, you feel like you lost yourself without realizing ( I'm too stubborn to admit it when its happening, to feel like they robbed you of your sense of self) .
The comfort that comes from having an intimate relationship with another human, sometimes can make you forget that there was a time where you were fine without them. you will be fine without then and you will go back to the things you enjoy. it makes you manifest your anxiety in different places. mine tends to go to the "whats the big picture" place.
you are being who you "truly are" just in a state of transition. you are you! you are you in a change/metamorphosis from one stage to the next, its not bad but it can feel uncomfortable for sure. seeing the world with new eyes. I would suggest not looking at the car stuff for a little bit( it might freak you out for the time being) wait till your ready to accept that whole world of "things and stuff" when your less anxious. Try not to accept every thought that comes through your head, there not all true! your brain tries to trick you into believing the whole, "you are not yourself" or "you don't like this or that" "your going crazy".
you like cars right? maybe right now you aren't interested because your focused on your transition to being single, or experiencing the whole anxiety thing, doesn't mean you wont like cars later. Even if you find you don't find interests in those hobbies again, the hobbies don't define you- you are not the things you like, the job you have, the music you listen to. that stuff is your ego. the core of a person doesnt change, the ego sure can though! IM GOING ON A TANGENT. I have no idea where Im going with this, or if its any help, at all. I guess its hard to give advice ( if you even wanted it) when I have similar issues that haven't been taken care of. But I hope this helped in some way. Just know your not the only one who feels this way, i know that tip of the iceberg/teetering feeling