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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Austin, TX

    Thumbs down The one where Andrea tries a forum.


    My name is Andrea I have Chronic Double Depressive Disorder and I've always been an introvert.

    I see myself more as just a laid-back person but others probably just see me as being shy. I used to be so shy when I was younger that the thought of being called on in class or talking to a teacher gave me major anxiety but I like to think I have come a long way since then. So it bugs me even more now that I am having really really bad anxiety when it comes to applying for jobs.

    I'm a recent college graduate and have my own apartment so the need for a job is immense lol but I find myself panicked whenever I start a job. I hate starting new jobs just for that reason because I get so worked up and uncomfortable. I just start thinking about how miserable I feel and how that's not that normal to get so worked up over freaking part-time/seasonal jobs because these aren't my careers....I've honestly just left and quit so many jobs without giving them notice just because I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even work myself up enough to go into work. It just seems easier to quit to save myself the misery and spare them the disappointment in having a slow and anxious employee. I feel so pathetic.

    I know what I'm doing is wrong but I just can't help these strong negative feelings that I have but I refuse to move backwards. I'm on here to look for mostly a nice/safe place to vent these frustrations and maybe even get some helpful techniques from others who go through the same thing. I just moved to Austin, Tx so I'm feeling a little isolated as it is and this isn't helping. May the odds be ever in my favor.

  2. #2
    Hey andrea welcome . I've been there anxiety has completely ruined more than one job for me, it is especially hard when you are new to your craft. Be brave and vent away!



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