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  1. #1
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    Anyone ever heard of or experienced this type of anxiety?

    Hi guys

    I'm new to this forum, but anything but new to anxiety. I'm 38 years old, and have had it all my life. I don't know how the world looks without anxiety, I don't know exactly the person I would be without anxiety. On a scale from 0-10 where 10 is happy, I would say I have been reaching about 7 in my best periods. That is happy to me. I have an ok life, as long as I don't run into periods where it runs out of control, it does, sometimes a few weeks, sometimes a few months, and sometimes it goes up and down drastically on a daily basis.

    I'm a different person when it's bad. I'm pretty fun and outgoing when it's fair, but there are still things I can't get into even in the best periods like relationsships. I keep them short, I don't want people around me 24/7. In the best periods I have a completely different view of life than when it's bad. It's like I get into a bubble when it's bad. I can't think straigt, I don't love, I don't have any other feelings inside than anxiety. But I'm completely rational about it. I know it's not me or not the real world, but I still can't get rid of it by the root, and the fear of getting even worse is pumping around in my mind, even though I try not to think and just leave it be. I don't know what exactly makes it better or worse. The last couple years has been extremely up and down, all the time. It's like the brain remember the many different feelings of anxiety. I have like 20 different feelings of anxiety. Sometimes I can feel like, oh, this is how I felt in 7th grade. Then I suddenly gets into that world, and remember how difficult it was, and things I experienced. I just forgot about them in better periods, because I don't see it when it's good. The problem doesn't exist, because it's not bad life events that causes it. So the anxiety makes a bad situation look fun, interesting, exciting etc instead of terrible in good periods, and I won't understand why I would feel that way. It pisses me off sometimes, it frustrates me other times, but I usually just try to leave it alone, and do what ever I can when I can.

    The difference from me to many others I read about, is that mine starts from the inside. Usually when I read about others, they have events in life that caused or increased their anxiety. Not me. There can be an event I can't go to, a party or somethinng else, because the anxiety is really bad. The week after, it can be quite a bit better, and I go to events I didn't the week before.

    My brain is like a big tool-box of different kinds of anxious feelings. If I et into a stabile period of a few months, it can take years before I get into a hole. I still don't know what triggers it, but like I said, it's been real unstabile the last couple years. Big part of it is insecurity/uncertainty. I don't sit and force it on purpose, but it's like my brain is really sensitive with these ups and downs, so it won't take much to get much worse during a day, or better during a day.

    I have tried a lot of things. Many types of anti-anxiety medications, mindfullness, cognitive therapy etc. I had a little break-through when I had a brain-map made about a year ago. It showed I have some frequenzees in my brain that doesn't work as they should. Now I'm using small electrodes on my brain, a method called tDCS. Time will tell if it helps, but it hasn't been very efficient sofar. It could be that I need to place then differently, it's this path I will continue working on anyway. The map also showed, that talking about it and medication probably won't make any difference. That is also what I experienced during the years. It's like something physical in the brain that has a strong psychological impact. Some anxiety at the root, and then it mentally gets better or worse because of fear of my own anxiety.

    In the better periods I have travelled the world. I have build a small company that is setup in a way that works with my condition. I have friends and had a few flings, but no real relationsships. That is an area my anxiety keeps me from doing. I don't feel close enough to anyone for a longer relationship because of the anxiety.

    I don't feel like a "victim". I have had it for so long, it's just part of life, and sometimes I have to say no to things. Just the way it is. What I do know is that I'm stubborn as hell, I think that has saved my life .

    I would like to get to a point where I feel life really begins. I'm working on it, and I have some things I have to test in the future and see if it works. I hope one day I will get there. But is there anyone out there that has experienced or heard of anything like this, and found something efficient treatment? My guess is that it will be something alternative, along the line what I already started perhaps. I thought about hypnosis as well, but I doubt that I can into the right mode with this condition and get relaxed enough to go there, but it's an option when I'm in a good period.

    I'm sorry, even for other people suffering from anxiety, this must sound pretty confusing, but that is exactly how it is, and it's really hard to explain so it makes sense.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Welcome to the forum , please read the boards and your question will be answered
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dahila View Post
    Welcome to the forum , please read the boards and your question will be answered
    Hi Dahlia

    Thanks. I hope so. I have been through a number of forums in the past, I just took a break from it. I have to spend some time researching from time to time, but sometimes it makes it worse having tried yet another method that didn't work. Anything can work some, if I just believe it helps. I'm just trying to get to the root of it, been trying for 25 years now, so

    Been through numerous anti-anxiety medications, vitamins, herbs, mindfullness, self-hypnosis etc. etc., so I'm hoping to read a story I can connect with, before I start something new again. Just haven't quite found it yet, but I hope I will eventually.

    Have a nice evening.

  4. #4
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    I have read acceptance is the key to overcoming your anxiety. When you fight your anxiety, it can get worse.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk View Post
    I have read acceptance is the key to overcoming your anxiety. When you fight your anxiety, it can get worse.
    Hi Kirk, I do try to accept what I have, not carring how I feel, been reading a whole book on that particular issue in the past, and for sure for many that is a great approach. It is to me as well, but it doesn't solve it, so I have to be active on solutions from time to time.

  6. #6
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    you do not accept something which is natural, anxiety is to save us. The time right not and high expectation, are not people friendly. The anxiety and stress; well most of that is our fault. Learning how to properly react to stress is a key. Youngsters start to meditate, it does not cost anything, and 15 min a day without smartphone does good to the mind. Spending 15 min meditation can change your life for the better.
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  7. #7
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    I so agree! Meditation is a wonderful way to get your mind back.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dahila View Post
    you do not accept something which is natural, anxiety is to save us. The time right not and high expectation, are not people friendly. The anxiety and stress; well most of that is our fault. Learning how to properly react to stress is a key. Youngsters start to meditate, it does not cost anything, and 15 min a day without smartphone does good to the mind. Spending 15 min meditation can change your life for the better.
    I certainly accept a great deal of anxiety to an extend that I puke sometimes, and still says, oh well, it's just anxiety, even though in your mind everything is falling apart, and you have no connection emotionally to anything or anyone. In those times it makes meditation impossible. If your head and mind is pumping with anxiety, closing your eyes trying to meditate, actually makes it worse. When I had the brain map done for tDCS, part of that is done with closed eyes, another part open. The results were much worse with closed eyes, which surprised the doctor. I have meditated daily for a long period of time. When it's fair when I start, it gives a little rest, but it doesn't last very long.

    Anxiety is natural, when you are in danger. It can also help you with a boost in certain situations. It's not natural on the level I feel anxiety, and I haven't had a day in my life without it, and I have tried so many things. I'm pretty certain, also based on the brainmaps I got, that I need to look into neuro-science of some type, a physical treatment, perhaps even an implant of some kind at some point. I'm using tDCS now. If that won't be efficient, I will try another method, and perhaps someone had been through a similar life as I have, tried a few dusin types of things and treatments, and found something that is efficient.

    It's not that I don't try to accept it. I really do, and have tried to just let it be like it is without giving it more thought than needed, even when it's extreme. But when it's so bad sometimes, that it fuels itself...well, it's like my mind doesn't know where to be. I would say calm, but making your mind believe you should, is the hard part. Even in my best periods, I still have this chunk inside all the time. That's where I would like to get an understanding what exactly that is and where it comes from. Doesn't mean there's an answer to it, but I will keep trying.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Langvang try guided meditation, every time I take break from it, I must use guided meditation to relearn the relaxing the body. I am old woman, I am and there is nothing new for about anxiety, I got it all, Meditation saved me, and does save others. it takes a lot of practice but even a minute or two is very beneficial. It stops our mind jump like a monkey from branch to branch
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dahila View Post
    Langvang try guided meditation, every time I take break from it, I must use guided meditation to relearn the relaxing the body. I am old woman, I am and there is nothing new for about anxiety, I got it all, Meditation saved me, and does save others. it takes a lot of practice but even a minute or two is very beneficial. It stops our mind jump like a monkey from branch to branch
    Thanks Dahlia, I might give it another go .



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