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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Does anyone else have the same kind of anxiety?

    I am new here, but I was wondering if anyone has the same kind of anxiety I do at times. I am super anxious about my pets' health. I feel like I am hyper vigilant about every little thing that happens. Stupid things that I know in my brain are stupid but my anxiety takes over. I see every little thing my dog does as a symptom of some horrible thing that is wrong with him. I am constantly searching on my phone for what could be wrong with my dog! It's ridiculous, I know, but I want to know if anyone else has this problem.



  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by erinlmay85 View Post
    I am new here, but I was wondering if anyone has the same kind of anxiety I do at times. I am super anxious about my pets' health. I feel like I am hyper vigilant about every little thing that happens. Stupid things that I know in my brain are stupid but my anxiety takes over. I see every little thing my dog does as a symptom of some horrible thing that is wrong with him. I am constantly searching on my phone for what could be wrong with my dog! It's ridiculous, I know, but I want to know if anyone else has this problem.


    I have this issue as well. And I'm not loaded with money so I'm scared something major will be wrong that I can't afford to fix and I'll have to put my dog down so he won't suffer and it will be all my fault. And I love him so much. It's terrifying.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicaleanne1992 View Post
    I have this issue as well. And I'm not loaded with money so I'm scared something major will be wrong that I can't afford to fix and I'll have to put my dog down so he won't suffer and it will be all my fault. And I love him so much. It's terrifying.
    Oh my gosh, me too. My husband stopped working a couple of years ago due to disability, and at the time we already had our animals. So on my one income, just trying to keep them fed a decent food and get their shots is a challenge for me. I am terrified something catastrophic will happen and I will be responsible for my baby dying.



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