Forgive me if this isn't the correct forum, this is my first post.
I've always been afraid of driving. I'm not completely sure why. I've never been in anything other than a couple of fender benders, and no one close to me has died in a car accident.
I didn't get my drivers license until I was 22, and I confronted my anxiety by being an extremely safe driver. I follow all the rules, never text and drive, never drive under the influence, never speed, avoid driving in bad weather, wear my seatbelt, never gotten a ticket or even pulled over, etc. This helped a lot at first. I felt confident in my ability to drive safely.
I've been driving for over a year now and things have slowly built up again. It bothers me beyond explanation that I can do everything right, be courteous of other drivers, protect myself and my passengers, etc, but ONE idiot can do something stupid and dangerous and get away with it. Just the other day I avoided an accident by swerving around the person who ran a red light (she was on the phone). She put my life in danger, her passengers, and my passengers and she just drives away with zero consequences: unharmed only because I was paying attention and quick enough to drive defensively.
I'm constantly angry and anxious about driving. I'm really good at controlling my road rage while on the road: when I get home I workout or take a hot shower to destress, but I can still tell the phobia is building. A phobia of driving is even more difficult (in my opinion) because it is one of the top ten causes of death (in the USA anyway).
Does anyone have any advice? Success stories for overcoming anxiety over driving? Would therapy help? Anything at all? It would be greatly appreciated.