Originally Posted by
Joseph Brandt
hi my name is joe and im a 19 year old male. i was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder as a kid. i have never really been able to handle transitions very well. i had a mental breakdown going from elementary school to junior high school. went through some group therapy and i came out fine. went off my meds and had no problems for all of highschool. fast forward to today... i dont believe in myself... i have all this pressure from my family and friends to succeed in the world. yet i have no job and i have all the feelings and thoughts about me never being able to get one and me never being able to succeed in this world and become a functional member of society and a man for that matter. im way too sensitive for a man.. everything everyone says hurts me and i cant hold in my feelings. the past year ive had a self harm problem. ive hit myself in the face more then i can count. its half because people get mad at me when i hit things and half because its a really sick way of coping with things.. i feel the relief afterwards of my anger and its really unhealthy... it goes from anger to regret.. i feel like im bullying myself 24/7 and i have no escape. what prompted me to join this and post something is i have been doing really good holding back from hurting myself and bursting out in tears and all that stuff bit i had a sort of relapse today..i hit myself in the face and have been crying ever since. i just want to know im not losing my mind and im not alone. although i wouldnt wish these feels on my worst enemy.