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Thread: Bad day

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2014

    Bad day

    So, woke up feeling a little shitty- but that isn't something new. Got ready and went in to the town to buy a my mum a birthday present, in the middle of the supermarket I begin having what is one of the worst panic attacks I have experienced yet. Normally, I might feel a few anxiety symptoms throughout the day, i.e. tight throat, sick feeling, aches and pains, irritability, etc. Other days when feeling more panicky than normal I'll struggle to breath, get very angry and worked up and inevitably scratch my arms to help me calm down. Right now I can't catch my breath, I feel like the walls of my house are closing in on me, I feel like I am going to die, my hands are trembling, I feel cold but warm at the same time and I'm really scared . I know it's all in my head, but I can't escape it, normally I'll turn to food until it dies down- that or I'll scratch my arms, but nothing's making it calm down, I feel like I'm going to be sick. I can't talk to my dad or my boyfriend about it because they don't understand, my boyfriend gives it the "just calm down" chat, and I know he means well and appreciate him for putting up with the burden that is anxiety. I don't even know why I'm posting this, I guess I just need reassurance that I am in fact not dying, or maybe some advice on how to make it stop

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    East Coast, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by stevienicks View Post
    So, woke up feeling a little shitty- but that isn't something new. Got ready and went in to the town to buy a my mum a birthday present, in the middle of the supermarket I begin having what is one of the worst panic attacks I have experienced yet. Normally, I might feel a few anxiety symptoms throughout the day, i.e. tight throat, sick feeling, aches and pains, irritability, etc. Other days when feeling more panicky than normal I'll struggle to breath, get very angry and worked up and inevitably scratch my arms to help me calm down. Right now I can't catch my breath, I feel like the walls of my house are closing in on me, I feel like I am going to die, my hands are trembling, I feel cold but warm at the same time and I'm really scared . I know it's all in my head, but I can't escape it, normally I'll turn to food until it dies down- that or I'll scratch my arms, but nothing's making it calm down, I feel like I'm going to be sick. I can't talk to my dad or my boyfriend about it because they don't understand, my boyfriend gives it the "just calm down" chat, and I know he means well and appreciate him for putting up with the burden that is anxiety. I don't even know why I'm posting this, I guess I just need reassurance that I am in fact not dying, or maybe some advice on how to make it stop
    You are not dying. You will be around to nag that boyfriend of yours for a long, long time. LOL ; )

    Do you take benzos? Maybe take one so it cools you out a bit?

    Do you practice any breathing exercises or mediation that can help slow your mind down?

    It's normal for people without anxiety to not get it. It's good that you realize that about your boyfriend and dad

    They do mean well
    "Y'all didn't have to shoot me" ~ Harambe

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    I know these feelings all too well. My grandma (who passed when I was young) was the first person to notice my symptoms had taught me that when I start to hyperventilate to place my head on my head (as if doing crunches) and to attempt slow, deep breaths. The raising of the arms always helps me to feel less smothered, and it allows your rib cage to expand further. Sometimes.. it's my safe place.. but I think it's mostly because it's something that my hero taught me.
    I hope that this helps. (if you tried it)

  4. #4
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    Haha, lucky for him :P. No, I was on promthezine- which is a beta blocker I think to help me sleep but my doctor wanted me to stop taking them because anxiety sufferers have been known to mis-use them, I had a few left so I took one and I feel physically much better now.
    I know they do, but I'm glad I found this forum and used it because it's good to get all the crazy feelings off your chest without feeling like you are, totally crazy i guess :P haha. Thank you for your reply

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Well the hyperventilating's stopped now thankfully, after I took one of the promethazine tablets which I had left over. I'll definitely try this method next time, because I can't and shouldn't rely on medication when in a state of panic. It's a horrible thing to lose someone close and important to you at a young age, I really appreciate you sharing this with me, so thank you.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2014
    It's not a problem. I have a few other little techniques that I use as well.. mostly different breathing exercises that I've learned, but some things HAVE to be a repetitive mechanical action for me. Other times, nothing but meds help.



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