I've come to think lately How much of the garbage that was floating around in my head was put there, informed by and/or reinforced by other people? My conclusion is most of it. Think about it. We get our values from our families, our opinions from the news and current events and our expectations of life and whats possible from T.V and almost all of it is biased bulls**t. The same story can be made to seem like 4 different stories depending of the four people who tell them, REALITY IS RELATIVE. The television news has ratings and time considerations to contend with and that colours the reporting. The T.V's job is to entertain if it were to really show life as it is, who would watch? Last but not least the people around us, the closer they are the more influence they have and it goes unquestioned because its normal and what you've grown up with. I had a lot of negativity around me in my life so I can say this quite confidently, if you have people like this in your daily life then just look at them for a moment, who are they, what are they, what have they ever really done, what qualifies them to tell you that you won't succeed. As far as people outside of your close circles (and for some in mine) to hell with them and their opinions, i don't give a s**t what they think. I don't have many expectations and I will form my own opinions on the things that interested me and I simply will just not hold an opinion about the things that don't. I call this the F**k you mind set (cos I like to swear lol) and it is choice. If you want to adopt this its all about reinforcement, you have to decided not to care what other people think and say and hold yourself to it, it takes time but eventually you find that you are no longer dwelling on negative things cos you are more interested in the things that make you feel good. Now this won't stop other people making you angry or irritated but if you vent that irritation with a good moan it won't linger. Ultimately we are not born anxious its negative experience and people that made us this way and different people react differently to such experience. Anxiety isn't permanent though and the more you come to understand its causes and triggers the easier it becomes to take your anxiety apart.