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Thread: My anxiety

  1. #1

    My anxiety

    I am exhausted and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm suffering from anxiety for almost a month now, and I know that there are people who are suffering from anxiety for a much longer time, but for me this is already hell. I'm 16 years old and I've always been emotional and scared of death and things like that, but in a normal way. Now I know I have anxiety I feel okay when I don't experience it, but when I get anxiety again I don't trust my body and I keep thinkig I die. And, I know this is a common thought with people who suffer from anxiety but I just can't believe it's really anxiety and it isn't dangerous for my body.

    I'm having anxiety so bad, it infects my daily life, every single day since I had my first panic attack. I just don't know what to do anymore. Everyday I have different symptoms, and when I experience a new one... I get even more freaked out than I am with the ones I already know.

    I read a lot about people who have anxiety for a lot of reasons, and they can get sick. But the problem with my anxiety is, that I'm sick of it everyday and that causes my anxiety, my extreme fear, my panic attacks. Someone having experience with this?

    I get nauseous and light-headed and then I need to run away, I need to get out, because I think I'll die because of the physical complaints. I also get anxious when I'm very tired, doesn't matter if it is in the morning or at night, it scares the fuck out of me. And I don't know why. I have had so many times that I was afraid to go to sleep because I thought I wouldn't wake up.

    I hate it that I feel like dying the whole day, because of stupid things. Being afraid of fainting, having a heart attack or a brain tumor. I don't know. Everything drives me crazy.

    I expierence a lot of symptoms, I can't even name them all because I wanna share so much and I notice that I'm not saying exactly what I want, because my head is exploding and when I found this forum I wanted to share it all, I didn't know where to start and what I exactly wanted to say. So sorry for this ramble post, I just don't know what to do anymore.

    I can't do the thing I love, and it frustrates me because I just graduated from high school and it's summer now, but I can't enjoy it. I can't go out, I can't go shopping, (It depends on the day, but I can't do those things most of the time or to long because I'm not comfortable doing it and sick and stressing).

    I'm sitting home for a month now.. I just wanna do what I used to do. This should be the summer of my live, I graduate from high school once... It really upsets me, I'm so sad about this situation. I just wanted to find some people who have the same, people who understand where I go trough because no one around me does.... I hope I find comfort here.

    Oh one more thing that pops up in my mind what I want to share, people say that it's because of stress and stuff. But the only thing I'm stressing over at the moment is this stupid situation, this stupid anxiety....

    So, I think this was a little bit of a strang post but yeah, wanted to say so much that it didn't came out the way I wanted.

    If any of you have any tips, ideas, I don't know something to say to me, share with me, please. That's why I'm here. I wanted to find you.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    What symptoms do u get?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by emtw12 View Post
    What symptoms do u get?
    I get nauseous, light-headed, tired, chest pain, strange aches at my heart < which causes worrying about the condition of my heart, neck/back/shoulder pain, numbness in my hands, feet and around my mouth, changes in my heart beat, dizziness, diarrhea, feeling like I have to vomit, difficulty swallowing, worrying all the time, fear of dying, fear of having a heart attack, fear of fainting, I'm afraid to go to sleep because I feel like I won't wake up ever again, super afraid while being alone, fear of something happening to me while I am alone, stiff muscles, headaches, headaches in weird places of my head, a headache sortof behind my eyes... That's all I can name now.

    Not all at the same time by the way, that would be the worst. But everything causes, or a combination of the physical complaints, my fear of dying, fainting, stuff like that. I almost said, the complaints cause my anxiety, but I think that isn't true. The anxiety causes the complaints, but I get anxious when I feel them. Sort of. I actually don't know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    If you were my child, I would rush out and buy you some supplements starting with a multi-vitamin, Vit B complex, and a magnesium/calcium.

    The magnesium alone will calm you down and ease many of your symptoms. Then you can regroup and decide how you want to determine and attack the underlying issues that's causing the anxiety- whether it's stress, nutrition, therapy, exercise, etc.

    -Take an online questionaire to determine if you have Pyroluria.
    -Get a blood test (25-OH) to check your Vit D levels
    -Stop all sugar, caffiene, junk, etc for a few days
    -Go outside and enjoy the sunshine

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bonehead View Post
    If you were my child, I would rush out and buy you some supplements starting with a multi-vitamin, Vit B complex, and a magnesium/calcium.

    The magnesium alone will calm you down and ease many of your symptoms. Then you can regroup and decide how you want to determine and attack the underlying issues that's causing the anxiety- whether it's stress, nutrition, therapy, exercise, etc.

    -Take an online questionaire to determine if you have Pyroluria.
    -Get a blood test (25-OH) to check your Vit D levels
    -Stop all sugar, caffiene, junk, etc for a few days
    -Go outside and enjoy the sunshine
    Thank you very much. I will show this to my father. The only problem is, I think, that my parents don't see it as serious as it is. I live in the Netherlands, and anxiety is not a very well known thing here. At least, not everyone knows about it. And I don't know if my parents fully understand me, I don't know good ways to tell them how serious it is and how to explain it the best. But I will go after the magnesium thing. Thanks a lot.



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