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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2012

    Involuntary shouting and talking to myself, is this part of anxiety?


    I have had this issue for most of my adult life, where I shout to myself and I cant controll it. I mainly do it in the car, shower or when I am alone but have done it in front of people aswell.

    I shout random things out loud, earlier I was driving home and screamed 'but im a nice person' to myself, I cant remember what I was thinking about. I also shout out an ex's name something that I have not seen for a few years (there are no hard feelings about the relationship)

    Sometimes it gets so bad that I am laying down screaming at the top of my voice, it only get this bad when I am very stressed about something though, my housemate heard me and commented about it, he said that I was mental... (he is a bit of a knob anyway)

    I have been to the doctors for anxiety and depression before but never mentioned the shouting.

    I think the work one I have done is being on a packed train and shouted 'kill me' quite loud....

    From what I am saying it may sound like I think I have turettes but I dont think it is anything to do with that, as I seem to hav more controll over it when around people.

    what is it, and can i do anything about it?


  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    i think you need to see the doctor it sounds like you may have tourette syndrome... i have not come across such a symptom of anxiety before

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    Do you feel shouting helps with anxiety? Do you do it to reduce anxiety? Where does anxiety fit in exactly? Alankay

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    It gets more prodominant when I am worrying about things or deep in thought. I am not sure if I really have an anxiety disorder, but I have been told this by doctors and a mental health nurse, however never really been assessed.

    The shouting is just something that I have done since I was a teenager, and I always thought it was down to anxiety, I have not told a doctor because my expirience is of getting fobbed off or being refered on to counsellers... who just fob you off again. Nor do I think there is anything that can be done about it.

    I do not think it is tourette syndrome because I did not have it as a child, and tourettes age of onset is 5-9years.

    I tend to pace alot aswell, and break into a jog and have the need to run around the house,

    To answer yur question I dont feel that it helps the way I feel, it makes it worse, expecially when I have shouted something out loud and I know someone heard me, but most of the time it makes it worse because I dont know why I did it and I think its a strange thing to do.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    Could be a bit of a compulsion which has relation to anxiety. This still should be mentioned to your doc as it might aid in getting the best diagnoses and therefore treatment for whatever is most at the core or more the core issue. Have you been on an SSRI med? Alankay.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    tourettes can come in at any age... i personally have never heard of this in anxiety before :/

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Yes! I know exactly what you are saying! I do the exact same thing. It happens when I am stressing or over thinking about something. I shout to stop thinking about it. I thought I was the only person with this problem.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
    I do this too... I'm pretty sure it's stress related. It happens when I get into a bad thoughts cycle - generally about mistakes I've made or embarrassing/humiliating things that happened or that I did. I'll often blurt out "No!" or something similar. It's like I'm trying to break out of those bad thoughts. My wife has started noticing it. I used to be able to cover it up by saying I said something else, but she's heard me more often recently. I think it's getting worse, so I'm going to actively try to control it. I think it becomes a bit of a bad habit, an inappropriate coping mechanism.

  9. #9
    I shout dozens of times a day. Usually when I think I'm alone although I find myself muttering this stuff to myself when I'm walking to the shops and around the office ETC.
    Episodes vary from mild, gentle self-scolding to full-on fits of loud aggressive abuse.
    Then I spiral, resulting in a desperate state of rage and frustration, head in hands, trying to mash my stupid brain in with my fingers.
    It's getting harder and harder to control. I do it to stop myself thinking about stuff I've done, said or not. It's a very nasty habit I've developed as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety the ever-increasing realisation of failing to be the person I want to be/should be/could be.
    I shout things like "shut up Richard. Get a job. And a gun. Or a job with a gun. And then shoot yourself. in the face. With the gun. And if that doesn't work. Do it again. Shut up. Ffs. Just shut up. And F**k off. You've just got to get a job..oh ffs. Shut up. All the people, everyone in the world. They can all f**k off too." And so on.
    BTW, I have a job. And guns are very illegal and difficult to access here in the UK. Finally I haven't met 'all the people in the world'. So i'm being pretty unreasonable there.
    On a serious note, this is becoming a real problem. I Can't have any relationships, I live alone which makes it worse and it's only a matter of time before it happens in work and they cart me away to the ovens.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    OC, California
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenFairy View Post

    I have had this issue for most of my adult life, where I shout to myself and I cant controll it. I mainly do it in the car, shower or when I am alone but have done it in front of people aswell.

    I shout random things out loud, earlier I was driving home and screamed 'but im a nice person' to myself, I cant remember what I was thinking about. I also shout out an ex's name something that I have not seen for a few years (there are no hard feelings about the relationship)

    Sometimes it gets so bad that I am laying down screaming at the top of my voice, it only get this bad when I am very stressed about something though, my housemate heard me and commented about it, he said that I was mental... (he is a bit of a knob anyway)

    I have been to the doctors for anxiety and depression before but never mentioned the shouting.

    I think the work one I have done is being on a packed train and shouted 'kill me' quite loud....

    From what I am saying it may sound like I think I have turettes but I dont think it is anything to do with that, as I seem to hav more controll over it when around people.

    what is it, and can i do anything about it?

    Have you read about dissociative identity disorder? Could be,



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