Hi there, I'm currently in high school doing very well (85% average) but Ive recently been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. All was going well until about a month ago when I had an experience that I did not enjoy at school. I have missed quite a bit of time since then but have gone a few times. Every time I go back there I get thoughts about my past experience and I start feel unconftorable, my heart gets racing and I start to feel dizzy, and I well, panic. Staying home makes me feel relaxed but I know it's not the right thing to do. It has gone from bad to worse as now every time I even leave my house I get reminded of my past experience. I have been taking Prozac for about 2 weeks but have been told it could take up to 10 weeks to start working. I don't want to lose my semester over this but i'm starting to get worried. I also have Ativan and I feel like taking that is the only way that I can leave without getting unconftorable. I was only given 10 tablets as I know it's only ok for short term use, but I'm starting to rely on it and I know that's bad. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me get out the door, without taking an Ativan tablet?