I posted here before about my situation :


I had anxiety and I am currently agoraphobic. I spent the last 2 weeks at home and now I am trying to solve my agoraphobia, taking baby steps going out of the house again.

I started last week with a small trip to a food stall 3-4 minutes walking away from home. It used to be so frightening, but then I succeeded going there without going panic.

Second step, is going to the grocery store, 8 minutes away from my house. It was frightening at first and I almost wanted to flee back home.But I persisted, and slowly feel more calm, then continued my shopping.

Last week I also went for a weekend getaway, stayed at a bed & breakfast 20 minutes driving from home. Was anxious during dinner time, and wanted to fetch a cab ride and go home to my comfort zone, but I persist. It turned out to be a good weekend.

Today..I just return from Coffee at the Mall with my friend. 15 minutes away from home. I was so anxious but I also want to face my fear. As soon as I sit in the coffee shop, facing the crowd, my agoraphobia kicked in. Then I changed my seat and felt a tad better. I kept calling my BF as soon as I feel panic..and it helped me calm down.

I plan only to have coffee, dinner and shop for a belt (want to use it for job interview) at the mall. Maximum 2 hours and go home. Turned out, I spent 4,5 hours at the mall today, that's longer than planned! I took vitamin B and bring my valerian pill just in case. I didn't took the Valerian because it makes me sleepy. Overall I had a good time.

So far..I keep on trying..baby steps. Please wish me luck and I will always update my experience, until I am completely solving this.