Well, the story is very cliched, but try to bare with me. You asked for the story, so here it is:
I joined TotallyRE using the alias zombiefied. I acted like a newbie and did not use spacing or proper words, just because I was new and newbies are generally airheads. No offense.
I made stupid threads. A few members ganged up on because they knew I liked Pokémon. They made sick posts aimed at me, etc. I retaliated by slagging them off and I got banned by Marco (the founder of TotallyRE).
I also got banned from Serebii.Net because I made weird posts and their rules were quite tight. I kept arguing with a mod called Hanada Tattsu (now seemingly AWOL from the Internet).
I then went to Resident Evil Horror, the self-proclaimed greatest Resident Evil fan site around. Things started off pretty normal til a mod named Alexander Ashford (we met on the imdb.com boards) told the staff to ban me (he found my private messages annoying). So they did. I kept re-registering and they banned my accounts and kept removing my posts. Although the original ban was somewhat unjustified.
A few months of this went by, and they let me rejoin after they got a new board. I was very active so I ended up with over 1200 posts and got to #1 on the highest posters chart.
Marco from TotallyRE allegedly told DaMa I was a 'problem poster' so I was banned again and threatened by the regular members. Again, I didn't know what I'd done to get this kinda treatment and a few people were also confused by the unruly decision to rid the community of my presence.
Then I started using the password recovery feature to spam their inboxes (cos they deserved it).
Shortly afterwards, I went to Resevil.com and was banned for posting a "death threat" towards DaMa (though it was more or less just trash talk). I kept re-registering there too, because I liked Resident Evil too much to just walk away.
I then befriended a woman called Lucky and our friendship soon became a partnership. I got a bit emotional at the things she told me, so I went nuts and tried to demot her from our boards. Then she banned me and got me banned from other boards, including the official ForumFlash support forums, and Bio-HQ, a Resident Evil fan site run by BHXtyrant.
I made a Silent Hill forum called the Room 312 Boards and Lucky deleted them. Then she deleted my Dino Crisis boards after I let her and another woman called Ada, become admins.
My grandmother died in August that year, and I got my Internet suspended a month later. Although this only lasted a week.
I got banned from loads of forums that year. Some guy insulted my favourite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero. I spent a great deal of time trying to piss people off because they were making my life hell.
I went on a website and sent Ł80 worth of pizzas to blackannis, the owner of RECommunity. She reported me to my ISP.
During the summer, I thought about making a website based on Dino Crisis because I was bored and it seemed like a good idea. I stole the basic layout for my site from Resident Evil Uncut, but it was only the HTML coding for the tables.
BHXtyrant from Bio-HQ/Neo-WU/White Umbrella found out about it and asked me to remove a link I had which lead to White Umbrella. So I did. In the process, he accidentally emailed Mike from Resident Evil Uncut because I forgot to edit out his contact information.
In October, an admin called Dot50Cal hacked into my email accounts and stole my log in details so I couldn't post on any forums again. He got into dozens of my accounts and caused a great deal of damage. He rendered my accounts inactive on multiple message boards and the admins refused to reinstate me. Reason being I had no proof.
In December of last year, I started to bring personal problems about the Internet into my work. I left suicide notes in a bag one afternoon, and a few days later I returned to the shop and assaulted a girl, because I had a crush on her and she ended up reporting me for asking my sister to pester her about giving me her contact details. She was in a relationship, but I still wanted to stay in touch because I knew she was leaving after Christmas.
After the police charged me, I rang up blackannis from RECommunity because I used a WHOIS to get her phone number. This phone call was actually many years in the making, because I was repeatedly banned on RECommunity.
She told me she had sympathy for me, but I should stop looking for e-sympathy from people online, because people on forums are very mean-spirited to people who won't acknowledge your posts.
I started using the alias Alice Johnson to register on forums, but the name was exposed through a mistake I made on Silent Hill Heaven. I forgot to add a fake DOB so when it got to my birthday, I was banned. The owner of the site is called Vixx and she also posts on Luminescence.