So the spudfucker continues to embarrass itself whilst attempting to appeal to a fresh audience.
Off to a cracking start there.Originally Posted by Flask
Still not Australian.
Still not James.
At least we all learned a new euphemism: "bimbos I often bash" apparently means "women [Peter] obsessed over, harassed, assaulted, stalked, issued death threats to and continue to slander."
What does "co-signing with their bad attitude" mean in this context? Peter's grasp of English is as weak as ever. If it is trying to imply that I agree with them that Peter is a creepy misogynist shitbag, then yes, absolutely.
Nope. And as previously stated, I may use simile and hyperbole for comic effect, but everything I say here is true.Originally Posted by Flask
Did I say I was in the UK?Originally Posted by Flask
Again, Peter struggles with comprehension.
I said I was clearly not in Australia. (Note: "clearly not" not "cannot").
Not a gamer.
Not a reviewer.
Not a member of THIA.
Again, not James: Just because James does stuff, doesn't mean I do.
(For what it's worth, I don't expect Spudanus to believe me - after all, you cannot reason a potato out of a position it did not reason itself into in the first place - it's just funny to tell the truth and still not be believed)
Yes, you can change your reported timezone, and could post any time of the day but there are these things normal people have called jobs (you may have to google that) that usually displace non-work activities to the evenings and weekends.Originally Posted by Flask
Actually that showed a rare bit of good judgement on the part of both of them; Given that neither Dave nor Edgegranny have a history of making good life choices, it indicates quite how obviously unhinged you appear to others.Originally Posted by Flask
Still not James.Originally Posted by Flask
Nope.Originally Posted by Flask
Not me.
That will be some of the other people who think you're a rancid cockgoblin - which is pretty much everyone who knows anything about you.
Happy to; You're a potato.Originally Posted by Flask
Good luck with that. They cost more than escorts and charge by smaller time increments, so you'll need to pay good money to waste their time.Originally Posted by Flask
Better save up your welfare money.
And yet here you are.Originally Posted by Flask
Peter, um... I don't know how to break this to you... You're barely convincing as a character even when you're being yourself. Unless someone needs extras to play discarded potatoes in a field of spuds, I don't think successful acting is anywhere in your future.
One dislike.
No plural there.Originally Posted by Flask
Yes, you are that dumb, and then some extra.
Your idiocy is so absolute and multidimensional that imaginary numbers are required to calculate it.
Your ignorance is so deep, submarines dare not visit its nadir.
Your mind is so dim that Anish Kapoor is considering a lawsuit.
Just do the world a favour and fucking yeet yourself.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-12-2023 at 01:08 PM. Reason: punctuation, as usual.
Not available
Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 07-17-2023 at 05:19 PM.
Poor potato is worried about running out of internet...
It's also getting harder for the jizzstain to anonymously harass people on mainstream social media...Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict
Worry not though, because it looks like maybe the fucknut gets its season ticket to Saughton social club renewed soon:Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict
The legal system certainly doesn't come out of this covered in glory, no.Originally Posted by Flask
A slow legal system. An ineffective legal system.
A legal system that fails to keep completely unrepentant, misogynistic psychopaths off the streets and offline, yes.
Then we enter the world of fantasy.
I swear, each time Spudanus spins this tale, it tweaks it a bit - like a one potato version of Chinese whispers, to the point that it no longer bears anything more than a passing resemblance to what actually happened.Originally Posted by Flask
Oh, I'm sure the police are all too aware that Potatohead's a wrongun; It seems to be having to decide whether it should come under the remit of the criminal or the mental health services that tends to stymie them.
Plot twist: I'm actually Murray and I've had the edivence this whole time
And in contempt of court too, presumably.
Ticking all the favourite topic boxes on this one.
Cuntnugget deleted original? No worries mate:
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 08-19-2023 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Spudanus can't keep anything up.
The rancid little cockcheese hasn't been doing anything noteworthy of late (other than failing to make friends with wildlife like some dystopian Snow White), but a completely ironic lack of self awareness today that couldn't be let pass without comment.
I see we have some entertainment to come in December (assuming the potato isn't in Saughton). I'm not sure how the little shitstain expects to be able to afford a lawyer, unless Tania has something saved for the little arsenugget's inheritance?Originally Posted by Broken Shotgun
I can see how that must be upsetting for the potato; I mean what kind of potato steals other people's content and posts it on (or elsewhere, come to that)?
like this...
or this...
or this...
or this...
or this...
or this...
or this...
or this...
or this...
...And those are just the ones that came easily to hand - I'm sure there are plenty more.
(and why multiple copies of some of them? What does that achieve?)
For a potato that spends so much of its time fucking over strangers, and parasitising other people's work, Peter really is a pathetic whiny little child when the shoe is on the other foot.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 09-01-2023 at 09:50 AM. Reason: No particular reason other than the knowledge that it annoys Spudanus
Yes, but with the financial pressures of Christmas, there's a chance some unscrupulous firm might be prepared to take what little money the fool has. I suppose Spudanus is used to paying large sums of money to be fucked over - at least this way there's less risk of an STI. Popcorn at the ready