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  1. #201
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - the pot belly calling the kettle fat

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    It's bizarre how, given that the fucknugget's entire exasperating existence seems to consist of being an insufferable abusive asswipe, that the cuntpotato seems to so concerned with the etiquette of others (mostly women) online.

  2. #202
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    It's bizarre how, given that the fucknugget's entire exasperating existence seems to consist of being an insufferable abusive asswipe, that the cuntpotato seems to so concerned with the etiquette of others (mostly women) online.
    Hi, does anyone still try to help one another out on here? And who is this Peter fool?

  3. #203
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by ParanoidPenny View Post
    Hi, does anyone still try to help one another out on here? And who is this Peter fool?
    No. The owners long ago lost interest.
    Most forums of this type are dead, though No More Panic, Anxiety Community and Depression Forums are still semi active.

  4. #204
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 03-20-2023 at 09:29 AM.

  5. #205
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  6. #206
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by ParanoidPenny View Post
    No Problem - if you haven't already done so, you might also want to turn off all email notifications (or just block all email from this domain) as it is mostly going to be unpleasant.

  7. #207
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Spud in a Permanent Vegetative State

    Well fuck me. Presumably having recuperated following the Easter break via a regimen of stuffing its lardy potato face with reduced-to-clear easter eggs whilst attempting to burn off the calories by wanking to jerky low-res porn while crying over the memory of Danny, the fuckspud is back at full throttle.

    First this bijou turd of a post, with its gloriously anachronistic slurs (I mean, what's with the weird retirement-home grade racism? Did Peter learn it all from grandma's dementia-driven outbursts?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Signal Rockets
    Today at 7:43 AM

    I'm tired of the woke crap myself. It's certainly running rampant in the entertainment industry. Casting a 7 foot tall Sambo to play somebody who was a white honky asshole in the source material to begin with, thinking it doesn't matter. 

    If I wanted a middle Eastern no-name actor for the part, I would hire a middle Eastern no-name actor to begin with. Uh! 

    Reddit is ugly anyway. The forum doesn't look properly threaded. It's more reminiscent of Facebook's posting method.
    Having prematurely shot its mashed potato load across that thread, the delusional arsenugget worked through its forum refractory period and was clearly on a sugar rush, and jumped straight back into the ballpool at the incel creche with this work of art:

    Quote Originally Posted by Signal Rockets
    Today at 1:34 PM

    don't think most women today are into autistic men, even if I am relatively mild in that regard. But I do think that a lot of aspects of the web today are worse than they were over 15 years ago. In fact, I miss how the web was in 2005.

    With message boards evidently dying off, it's hard to find a great online community. Twitter and Facebook being absolutely pointless as well, but it's where everyone seems to be posting nowadays, of course. YouTube being pointless, or on the other hand, quite educational. Depending on your discipline levels.

    There's only two free dating sites I know of, and both are questionable as to their success rate. I'm sick of being single, though; I just hate it.

    Plentyoffish and Flirtbox are the two sites I know about that are mostly free, with paid features available for some daft reason. But I used them years ago, and wasn't impressed.

    Well, I feel sad to have to say this, but these sites exist to scam your ass. I think the users on these sort of sites enjoy trying to take the piss, and they probably get hundreds of emails every single day, so it could be a case of them being just as fed up as you are. So maybe it's time to just meet ladies the old-fashioned way, if you are confident enough to go to social gatherings arranged on Meetup, Craigslist, or something. Provided you have millions of pounds to splash around, I'm sure women probably wouldn't care too much about whether your unattractive face is off putting. But then nobody likes a gold digging slut either. 

    It depends how shy you are. Being a smooth talker might help you to flirt with the hottest of babes. But we cannot all be social masterminds, I'm afraid. They can smell your fear a mile away. So do be careful. 女  

    OnlyFans well and truly sucks, however. If you don't have a fast connection, nothing will play without immediately sticking. You basically have to pause the video for ages to buffer it up. Or if you can sign up for fibre in your area, I would highly recommend you have the best internet that money can buy.

    With all the cash that site must be earning from the wank banks who register to gawk at chicks with nice arses and tits that then call men simps, you would think they would have YouTube level servers by now, so that their fucking overpriced piece of shit content will play without you experiencing any lagging issues. Some videos are only uploaded in full HD too, with no option to play them in 240p, or whatever. It's annoying. Excruciatingly so. ️

    About the worst site of all is definitely one called AdultWork. That's because the women on there are actual sex workers who do provide meets, as long as they've stated as such, but many of them are too picky for their own good. Whether that's for what may be legitimate reasons or just due to some made up fairy tale reason, it can be a chore arranging anything with the broads on there who find amusement in jerking you off, without actually jerking you off, if you know what I mean.

    You cannot always tell who is supposed to be sincere, to be honest. The site has a nice purple layout that's easy to navigate, but that's about the best quality it yields. And like someone said to me once before. A whore is a whore. 

    They're not always genuinely interested in pleasing men, unfortunately. So when it comes to finding a good shag, you have your work cut out for you. Always check their feedback and if she looks too good to be true, I would advise you to walk away. A fool and his money are soon parted, so to speak. 

    By the time you find somebody sane to book after hours or even days of your time being wasted by the various members you contacted beforehand, you will likely just decide to move on momentarily and spend the money you put aside on something else. Whether that's what you want or not depends on how you can train your dopamine receptors, and I know it's irritating to face such disappointment over and over again. I'm just keeping it real. ❣️

    The wee man says, yes. The big brain says, fuck y'all. 藍  勒

    They're easy on the eyes, but not on your wallet. Take it from me. Prostitutes are far too egotistical, strange, and overall, incredibly greedy. They also seem to think because they did some shitty amateur porn some X amount of years ago, their celebrity status means they can make you shell out £300 extra for premium services. Jesus. 


    It's just the way of the world now. Next to Capcom remaking all the Resident Evil games for a fast buck, and kids starving in Pakistan, of course. 

    I don't mean to sound so negative. But meh. They'd rob their granny, if they could.  

    Genuinely: Words fail me.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 04-17-2023 at 05:23 PM. Reason: fixing emojis; it's --> its

  8. #208
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Must love the sound of that banhammer.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    Genuinely: spelling failed James.
    lolwot. Potato's posts are barely english - GPT4 is coming for you Peter.

    Meanwhile, after all the unhinged, demented posts, this relatively innocuous one is the one that gets the fuckwit banned again:
    Quote Originally Posted by Signal Rockets
    26 minutes ago

    Has anybody ever posted on a similar gaming forum to NeoGAF, known as JoyFreak? Every reply on there looks like it was composed by a bot, quite frankly. I know that the owner "Aries" has had to ban quite a few bots and trolls on that forum, but every response I receive just looks so generic, that I really am starting to wonder if it's a news site just full of robots trying to pass themselves off as real users. 襤

    It looks suspiciously like ResetEra and NeoGAF, too. Maybe there's a reason for that. 樂

    I have over 1000 posts to my name on there. Unfortunately, the forum had dipped in activity considerably over the last few years. So I seldomly contribute any longer.

  9. #209
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Really going this time. He means it. His hand is on the door...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    You don't have room to talk, mate.

    On any forum with proper moderation, you wouldn't get to even spam the damn place up.

    Anyway, we're through, pal. I'm retiring from forums. See you around, asshole.
    Ooooh! That would be a good new username for you - given that you are a round asshole: spudanus

  10. #210
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Going to jump into the hellmouth (oh noes)!

    The poor little snookums!
    Spudanus is clearly running out of forums from which to flounce and is having to go increasingly far afield to sing its little mashed potato tale of woe (and to mangle english idioms and quotations).

    Quote Originally Posted by Grace Saunders

    Today, 08:01 AM

    Well, I'm feeling a bit emotional right now, as I've declared this post is the last time I'm talking about Resident Evil on forums.

    Last night, I was notified that I got banned from NeoGAF, a gaming forum that I thought was actually okay. Why, I don't quite know. I just made a comparison to another forum because of how it looked. The next minute, it said I was banned. The explanation was pretty vague.

    But hey. If that's how the radge pots in charge of that dumb forum want to treat an actual user who contributed for a long time, with two separate accounts, then they can kiss my ass.

    In fact, I don't see the point in rambling about the franchise any longer. It's a pathetic reality that Capcom has milked it to death, and those fanboys and shills don't even give a damn. That's why they keep remaking the games, or going back to 1998 repeatedly with these garbage ass movies, spin off games, and whatnot. They know suckers like them will support whatever neutered down BS they're gonna release.

    I've covered all of that crap so many times, that I may as well have it all printed on a toilet roll.

    The games aren't really horror any more most of the time. They kid on they are, but even RE8 was purely action for much of the experience. Except for a few parts, like the dollmaker's house beyond the creaky bridge. But besides that, they made it almost like RE4. Even the fight with the lycans at the beginning of the village was ripped off from the fight with the townsfolk in RE4. But they've copied other people's games and movies for long enough, so I could easily provide other notable titles.

    It's ridiculous. But hey, it is what it is. Nobody except us seems to even notice. The landscape of the Internet has also changed, with most forums being dead, except for a select few message boards. My mum is also very unwell. She had a stroke 7 months ago. So I reckon it's time to leave it all behind.

    I don't have any regrets about my tone over the years. And I fully will stand side by side with my supporters, and we will not take back whatever we said about Capcom. They made a mockery of the franchise. And quite frankly, the netizens I encountered online made a downright mockery out of me.

    Regards, and quote thesaunderschild, no more.



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