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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Yeah. It was never my intention to be a moron online, and while it was short-lived, I did appreciate Ponder's help. I've only ever spoke the truth about these former support workers called Sara and Joanna who fucked up my life, and the trolls online who gave me grief for two decades.

    I am going through a lot of stress right now. I have some idiot of a social worker not listening to anything I say, my acting career is over because of being slandered, and my mother is seriously unwell.

    So the last thing I need is a jealous bogan like James Berich annoying me. He has never liked the fact I spoke the truth about the Resident Evil games or that I have been in films, so he goes on an envious tirade of abuse.

    The man is absolutely sad. Honestly.
    Oh I can tell.. Who does that?? I have a few contacts in Perth btw and they're no strangers to the police. For a bit of cash I'm sure they'd pay Mr Berich a visit. I messaged Dahila and asked if she's seen what's going on here. She's friends with Ponder on FB I think. I don't know how to contact anyone else, though people have probably been checking and been put off by that maniac. I reckon that's why Ponder's disappeared.

    Anyhoo, I'll check again soon. This site's just a pain in the ass on a mobile, so I avoid it. Try not to stress about it too much -- absolutely nothing will come as a result of his raving. He's just making an ass of himself and wasting his (and others') time. I wish I was looking on a computer so I could see his pics and whatnot more clearly!

    Cheers - Gypsy x

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  2. #12
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Look who's back

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
    Yo @PeterAndersonIsARacist (a racist? Big deal.. You're acting like he's a pedophile.)
    See, you say that like it wouldn't be true, but given the opportunity I wouldn't put it past him:

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
    Get the fuck out.
    (What a charming old lady you are.)
    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
    I'm the sheriff in this town and it's not here for you to dribble shit all over about something noone cares about. Well, noone's even here because they're put off by your ranting!

    ScottishPedro has been here a while and never caused us any problems.
    Yes he was, and all the locals here were egging him on. He's since deleted the posts which is why you're none the wiser. If you're the sherriff then quite frankly you're totally shit at it.
    Besides Peter doesn't do well with sherrifs.
    I only post when he posts.
    He doesn't post, I don't post.
    He posts, I post.

  3. #13
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    See this right here is the problem

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
    Oh I can tell.. Who does that?? I have a few contacts in Perth btw and they're no strangers to the police.
    See the only reason Peter isn't internet famous as psycho of the decade is that he's afraid of going outside, so he tries to get other people to do his dirty work for him.
    You know, gullible suckers who buy into his sob story.
    Y'know patsys.

  4. #14
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Add star Peter A<[email protected]>
    Cheers for that Peter. Another stunningly intelligent move on your part.
    How do you do it? Really, the world wants to know.

  5. #15
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    Blah blah blah. I've barely read a word you've written. Trolling *this* forum is exceptionally pathetic.

    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  6. #16
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Yeah. It was never my intention to be a moron online,
    Really Peter? You may not have been trying but Jesus fucking christ you've succeeded.
    I guess it just comes naturally to you, huh?
    I mean at this point it's your only defining feature - what do they call that again? Flanderization?

  7. #17
    Peter's Conscience
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    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
    Blah blah blah. I've barely read a word you've written. Trolling *this* forum is exceptionally pathetic.

    So long as you keep replying and bumping the thread, I'm fine with that.
    Keep up the good work.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    I wonder, do you ever get anything right?
    Quite the opposite Peter.
    I want you to close all your accounts.
    The problem is not when you close accounts.
    The problem is when you create new ones.
    Please delete yourself from the internet.

    But then who would you talk to?
    Am I the only one who even responds to you?
    Is that why you keep acting like a colossal fucknugget all the time - because an angry reaction is better than no reaction?

    If you could delete yourself entirely that would be even better, but we will take what we can get.
    What contribution to you make to the world?
    What evidence is there that you exist other than a bunch of ignored forum posts with copy & pasted rants about Capcom and broken links to deleted YouTube videos?
    Fuck me, three are fucking bots on this forum with better people skills and more varied posting histories than you.
    Not only could you be entirely replaced by a fucking short fucking shell script - it would be a massive fucking improvement.
    Even the lowest effort NPC in the shittiest PS2 game has more fucking depth and intelligence than you've ever displayed.
    You are literally dumber than the fucking vendors in a text based RPG you festering dribble of cunt gravy.
    What difference have you made other than consuming food and turning it into shit?
    That's almost a perfect metaphor for you isn't it?
    You are a constant fucking drain on society.
    You consume resources and money and other peoples time, and you return only shit and misery.
    You can't even claim you give your own family love and joy as clearly they're all fucking done with you too.
    You blame your sister for your mother's stress but you don't seem to think having to run after you like some fucking housekeeper, and deal with your fucking season ticket at the sheriff court has anything to do with that?
    For fucks sake I've done farts I'm prouder of than your mother can possibly be of you.

    If you were to die in your sleep would anyone notice (other than the average IQ of the planet going up slightly, and YouTube and forum admins having and police having slightly less stress)?
    Normally at least after a couple of weeks the neighbours would notice a nasty smell, but your personal hygiene is already so bad the smell of your rotting cadaver would probably be a mild improvement.
    Fucking get in the fucking sea you absolute fucking waste of space and oxygen.
    Hahaha I just read about a third of this. Gosh, you really had your period that day didn't you?

    Anyway, you've been selected by me as Biggest Drama Queen on the Internet Since 1997 and put on display elsewhere.

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    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    he is funny in his stupidity , You can not do anything Gypsy
    ''“If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
    ― Rabindranath Tagore

  10. #20
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    OK boomer.

    Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
    Hahaha I just read about a third of this. Gosh, you really had your period that day didn't you?

    Anyway, you've been selected by me as Biggest Drama Queen on the Internet Since 1997 and put on display elsewhere.

    Wow. Henry Rollins.
    Keep it coming with the contemporary cultural references.



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