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  1. #101
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - true to itself

    How very apt. Do we think Peter realises Norman Bates isn't supposed to be a role model?
    Peter certainly has managed to nail the psychopath who keeps getting inexplicably released from custody and the a really unhealthy maternal fixation bits. I don't think Peter could successfully run a tap, let alone motel though.
    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild
    Horror Movies

    Posted 10 hours ago

    Yesterday, I watched the masterpiece that is Psycho. The ending where the psychologist is describing Norman Bates is a hoot. The sequels are good too, but I don't get how he was released from the asylum again after 3, as 4 depicts him talking to people on a radio show about his demons. Unless the third film is ignored. It's not clear.

    I don't know how they could release him once, let alone repeatedly.
    I mean, fucking hell:
    I don't know how they could release him once, let alone repeatedly.
    I genuinely lol'd at the lack of self awareness on that one.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 10-24-2022 at 11:54 AM.

  2. #102
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Can't do anything right

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild
    Monday at 6:28 AM

    Would you say the Australian guy on here spamming about me is all that sane?

    Searching for love, anyone will do.
    The Anxiety Forum is a free worldwide community for those struggling with anxiety, fear, or panic attacks. Over 100,000 members and growing daily!

    This "Gimpy" guy has been constantly spamming on that dead forum using dozens of stupid sounding pseudonyms. This nonsense has occurred for about a year now, and before that, he did it on loveforum.net and some horror films wiki. However, he has also started to go under my user names, like thesaunderschild and Grace Saunders of course, and also lately SCT Guy. That's my name on majorgeeks.com.

    Yes, I have different names on a lot of forums. But once you type that "thesaunderschild" name on Google, it shows up sites where my user name was mentioned. This is how the bogan down under knows where I go online.

    Like, so what? Who else even gives a shit where I contribute posts, other than that moron? Zero people. It's not like most folk today really care for gaming rants or debates about long forgotten Resident Evil sites, such as this Capcom one James ran all the way back in 2004.

    But I'll be 100% ignoring his ass from now on, following my posting this last bit of attention for him. I'm not even going to look at that anxiety site anymore.

    Wanna know the saddest part? He will turn 37 on the 4th of February, so this is absolutely ridiculous and deranged behaviour. My birthday is the 26th of January, so we're practically the same blooming age. It's beyond pathetic. But okay. Keep living in my Saunders bubble, boy. The free publicity warms my heart.
    Well the bit "Like, so what? Who else even gives a shit where I contribute posts, other than that moron? Zero people" is true at least - hence all those 0 replies threads - though odd for Peter to refer to itself in the third person like that as a moron. Peter can only aspire to the intellectual heights of being a moron.
    How's that "I'm not even going to look at that anxiety site anymore" working out for Peter though, do we think?

    The Scottish Pedro
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    Join Date: 06-29-2016
    Last Activity: Yesterday 01:46 AM
    About as true as anything else Peter ever says then.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 10-30-2022 at 07:08 PM.

  3. #103
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Toxic and stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict

    Today at 12:46 AM

    The worst guy I have encountered in the RE community isn't even being a dick because of RE discussions. He is some mental Australian guy.

    Recently spammed a dead anxiety forum with my personal information with multiple accounts, and said my sister's spawn "should be drowned" and that my mum will be dead, "this time next year!"

    I told some legal advice forums about him. They reckon I should not put stock in it by responding. He then recently signed up to a new UK RE site with my user name. Not this one. You may know the one. I knew it was him because he calls me "Peter the potato" and his avatar was a spud. LOL.

    The admin deleted the profile, and apologized. But I swear. Some people are just complete dumbasses.
    Well, it's toxic because Peter exists - obviously.
    That whole thread is a car crash, but nice to know Peter is not triggered when it sees a potato. Best keep out of Asda, eh?
    The cuntwomble still can't seem to grasp the concept of there being more than one person on the internet.

  4. #104
    Senior Member
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    The misogynist references this thread in his latest retarded video:

    (The misogynist will probably delete the video, so if you don't see it, you know why)
    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ

  5. #105
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Significantly off kilter

    Quote Originally Posted by GrimReaper View Post
    The misogynist references this thread in his latest retarded video:

    (The misogynist will probably delete the video, so if you don't see it, you know why)
    Peter as demented as ever then.
    What's with the Dutch angles? Is the building subsiding, or is cuntface just so accustomed to being handcuffed that standing at a weird angle with its hands behind the back is second nature now?

    Edit: Oh look - Peter's YouTube viagra has worn off, and the video is no longer up. Such a shame.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-18-2022 at 06:01 PM. Reason: Video Unavailable. Quelle surprise

  6. #106
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - keep it simple potato

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Your awful grammar is about as shit filled as your brain is, James. Can you maybe start typing slower when you obsessively come on here to submit your pungent, malevolent drivel?

    You should take your time when you compose such lame pish, since it's not like you have anything else worthwhile to be doing anyway.

    Poor Peter can not handle long words.
    Poor Peter can not handle long sentences.
    Poor Peter should have paid more attention in school.

  7. #107
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Like a moron, but somehow stupider

    If you weren't familiar with Potato's oeuvre, you'd think this was written by some spambot, seeded with incel rantings.
    Apparently Peter thinks sex workers should be in it pro bono - presumably for the job satisfaction and service to the community; The meaning of the word 'worker' seems to have eluded the fucknut.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Tickle Pig
    08-24-2022, 04:31 AM
    I think OnlyFans is for losers...
    The issue I have is that you make an effort to talk to these dominatrix types and it's still never enough for these shallow whores. Then I get fed up of the crap, so I delete my account a lot, then soon rejoin it. The same thing occurs with Fetlife as well, and social media. I'll get bored of getting nowhere talking to these mentalists, delete myself for my own piece of mind, just to repeat the cycle. Because well, that's what us lonely nerds with no life often do.

    I'm also active a lot on these worthless video game forums, and the trolls on these sort of message boards are really pointless to converse with. All they do is suck up to these gaming giants. Yet if you prove to them for years at a time, that Capcom for example intentionally rips off things from other games, or that they now constantly do these half-baked remakes in a lazy way for the money, they don't even care about your opinions. That's what shills are like, unfortunately. Even when the evidence is there for them to see, they'd rather fool themselves into thinking otherwise.

    Mistresses into this practice known as findom and femdom are way too cold. When you message them, they're sometimes nice at first so you may tip them and give them a sense of acknowledgment, I guess. Then after maybe the third or so time, their "mood" suddenly swerves out of the blue for some reason, and they're seemingly threatening to block you, saying you're a time waster, and whatnot. None of it is even true. You just maybe don't have the dough to splash on silly 5 second videos of their tits, or something.

    Now, I understand that they cannot discuss real time meetings on OnlyFans and those similar sites like AdmireMe, as the folk running that piece of shit OnlyFans site are just your bog standard, money grabbing, manipulative pieces of trash that disallow anything discussed outwith their wank bank website. But in general, you have to question if half of these sadist types are genuine about anything they say. All they care about is your cash, apparently.

    Even on adultwork.com, half of the girls you contact are very anti-social sounding. Certain ones don't even do escorting and just want cash from parading about in their knickers. Trying to even get a booking is an uphill battle. They're either creating fake accounts, or they're extremely picky about who they see, so it's not even like the old saying: It's like McDonald's.

    To be honest, they give off vibes of being egotistical and you need a lot of inner strength and patience to cope with the snappy responses. It's like spring gardening in a way. You have to weed out the chaff to find the golden wheat. It is definitely there, but it's buried under the husks of a human being a keyboard warrior on the other end.

    But I don't know. It's kind of a waste of my time to persist with this venture.

    Avoid her. Seriously...


    Threatening a guy with ASD. Really nasty...

    But that's just one example.
    Dearie me, Peter. It's almost like everyone sees you for the dangerous creepy shitshow that you are and avoids you like the fucking plague.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Tickle Pig
    08-25-2022, 12:12 PM
    :thumbsdown: Meh...
    Double post.

    They're not businesswomen, mate. They're sadists. Practioners of the dark arts, if you will.

    Log in, turn off safe searching, and look at the females you are choosing to make a collection of excuses for. There is nothing remotely normal to see. Anyone sane can see this just from observing what they publicly reveal on Twitter. Especially looking at the first one hundred posts of this lady here.


    By the way, a businesswoman is a lady who sells you cars, houses, and cleaning products. Or whatever. They ain't that. In fact, they even openly confessed to hating men and only being interested in receiving their handouts and gifts. Yeah.

    Let's see you defend that.

    "They're not that bad!" Said every imbecile - ever!
    Awwww. Poor Peter. Did the meanies call you bad names?
    Sadists, huh? Again, did the significance of the 'S' in BDSM completely pass over your fat little potato head?
    Jesus fucking christ - how fucking stupid can one potato be?
    (Also, using the word 'females' in this context - instant red flag.)

  8. #108
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - pissing in its own bed

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Your awful grammar is about as shit filled as your brain is, James. Can you maybe start typing slower when you obsessively come on here to submit your pungent, malevolent drivel?

    You should take your time when you compose such lame pish, since it's not like you have anything else worthwhile to be doing anyway.

    Also, it seems almost mean to point it out, but when you try to insult people you always resort to projecting your own insecurities, don't you?
    (Somewhat ironic, given how utterly offensive you are when not trying!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter A
    11-11-22, 10:57
    Re: This guy is stupid...
    Well, Ponder wasn't like that towards me at first. He seemed understanding when I described how I was betrayed by my ex support workers from Autism Initiatives. Once this troll showed up and started spamming, he completely turned against me, believing I made up the troll accounts myself as part of a mental breakdown.

    This crap happened on another forum a few years previously, which was used to seek relationship advice. He discovered I posted there, so he trashed that forum too. But Ponder just completely changed. So I must say that I don't blame you for thinking he is a snake in the grass. He had no right to accuse me of instigating that guy's spam spree.

    I asked Ponder to report this James knob because when I called Perth, they couldn't understand my Scottish accent. Since Ponder and another user called gypsylee both reside in Australia in other states, I thought they may have had better luck with reporting James. I'm not sure where Ponder lives, but the other member is from Melbourne.

    I asked them if they could report him and explain how serious the situation is. Because the police are more likely to act if the report comes from a citizen. Then this crackpot gypsylee posted her address and made a stupid comment about my age, and how I won't become an actor or a rock star aged 36, for some reason. But I honestly have no idea what the outburst was about, because I was being friendly towards her on another forum I joined, and never said anything to offend her.

    It's a forum for discussing narcotics, but I don't even use drugs, and never will. I just know she was posting there too. Basically, everything I posted on there was all off topic stuff.

    When I called the station, I was cut off the first time. I rang them back and I said I knew this James from us both being members on multiple forums for video games, that I acquired evidence of himself along with his date of birth on a profile he has since hidden or gotten deleted, but not his physical address. Just that I believe he resides in West Leederville or Como, judging from previous profiles I came across. And I said I knew him in prior years, so it wasn't just a funny coincidence.

    He used an ISP called Spark in New Zealand. I emailed them as well. Nobody responded. My next step is emailing law firms in his state. But either way, this colossal nuisance is as boring to me as he is irritating.

    P.S. I think it's creepy when he even goes on the Edinburgh Sheriff Court website to look up my next court appearance. It publicly displays that. They're wanting me to go back next week, and this is because I got fed up of them wrecking my life, and refused to see a supervisor. So I did it to protest.

    I mean, I gave my solicitor proof on a USB stick of what people had been doing to provoke me. Just mucked me about thereafter. Then I tried to have him replaced, but it was feutile. Nobody wanted to know.

    Last edited by Peter A; 11-11-22 at 11:19. Reason: I need to start typing slower. My phone also keeps altering words.
    Blame the phone, Peter.
    Nothing is ever your fault, is it?
    Also, Peter, it's not your accent that makes you incomprehensible - it's the fact that the shit coming out your braying potato face is just a stream of moronic, self-serving, offensive, nonsensical non sequiturs.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-17-2022 at 05:36 PM.

  9. #109
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Weight of Edivence

    I take it Murray never found the USB stick? I presume that means his assistant won't be able to magically get your 'life' back for you?
    Oh, wait, what's this...?

  10. #110
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    I'd bet my last dollar that incel Peter Ross Anderson is in full support of Nazism as well. What a piece of shit.
    Peter Ross Anderson's Address:
    2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom EH16 4JJ



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