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  1. #241
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Forever alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Does the idiot behind your account have a girlfriend? No, is most likely. So don't act like such a hypocrite about everything.
    Oh noes! Potato is lonely.
    Only one incel idiot in this thread and it ain't me!
    Meanwhile, Spudanus prepares a special treat for itself, for Valentine's day....

  2. #242
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 02-05-2024 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #243
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - I for one welcome our AI overlords

    These LLM chatbots have certainly come along in leaps and bounds in recent years.

    Still not quite right, but it manages to hit all the major beats: court appearances; sex-offender register; sockpuppets on forums; potatoes.

  4. #244
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - potatocalypse now

    I take one little break and miss all the drama!
    It seems that while I was away, Spudanus decided to go full Peter Anderson and add to its ever growing collection of police complaints and bans.
    From what I've heard, the tosspot extraordinaire couldn't figure out how to use its own banking app, decided that failing to pay a deposit was the same thing as paying a deposit, threw a tantrum, and then was shocked at being told to jog on.
    This resulted in a series of incoherent rant videos and a public meltdown on the Demon's Den that was apparently something to behold, followed by a flurry of deletions of posts, threads, videos, socks and channels.

    Given that the scrotepustule is now fully ostracised from its broodmates and permabanned from most of the remaining online communities that it once haunted like a lingering fart, I'd honestly thought 2024 might turn out to be a quiet one in fucktard land and I could maybe retire this account, but apparently not.

    Oh well; let's see if this year the Scottish legal and mental health systems can finally pull their collective fingers out and deal with the scumbag once and for all

  5. #245
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - The final countdown?

    Quote Originally Posted by SCT Guy
    Today at 11:11 AM
    Due to persistent abuse from James (some serious), this will be my last 4 weeks on forums. It's not just because of him being a twit either. I noticed a rapid decline in activity with message boards years ago, and some of them are on their "last legs" now, or needlessly kept around just to be spammed up.

    I have also lost interest in covering RE, because it's just not as great as it was 20 years ago. Capcom doesn't even know what's canon anymore.

    Of course, things change. It's why everything from the past feels so different now. But I wish things didn't keep getting milked, ruined, and so on.

    They're embarrassing the franchise by having vampires.
    Can it really be? Has a new age finally dawned?

    (Checks Peter's diary...)

    Ah, bullcrap.
    I guess it's just another empty promise from the distended cuntflap.

  6. #246
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Dumb as a brick

    Ah, once again it gets all upset about the casting of fictional characters...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Attack
    Yesterday at 8:32 PM
    Wesker wasn't a black man to begin with. So Lance Reddick wasn't even right for the part. But he was a great actor in the films he starred in, so it's not like I hate him just over his skin tone.

    Would it make sense if Sheva and Josh in RE5 were in a new movie adaptation of that game, with white Hollywood stars portraying them? Nope.

    The cuntwomble just can't get over that, can it?

  7. #247
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 08-10-2024 at 09:53 PM.

  8. #248
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - All the charm of a flaming turd in a paper bag

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Dude, your daft nonsense has gotten old. I'm not interested if you think I'm racist, weird, a bad movie extra, a woman hater, and so on.
    Yes, I can see how uninterested you are - your responses are always just dripping with sang-froid.
    It's not just my opinion - you are clearly a racist, misogynist psychopath.

    Slag me off.
    Sounds like consent. Thanks. Will do.

    People just find you really sad. You can spend your life hating on me, but I don't give a damn. It's your time you're wasting. And God knows you must have a lot of that.
    It takes surprisingly little effort.

    Anyway, you keep on saying you don't play the Resident Evil games, which I'm not inclined to believe. You'll continue to stir the pot and say you don't know what the franchise entails, but that's a lie. We know you used to run a Capcom site, got sussed out, and now play dumb in some idiotic attempt to throw people off the scent. But your exploits and real name is splattered online by now regardless. So why even bother?
    Yes, I keep saying I don't play RE because I don't.
    I have run many websites but none about gaming and none connected to Capcom.
    I don't need to throw you off the scent - you're so far off the scent it's genuinely embarrassing (presumably your own stench prevents you following any scent) and I feel obliged to be a good sport and to throw you a bone every now and then.

    Out of curiosity, though, how can you post comments on here? When I use Chrome or Opera on my phone, all I get showing up is a silver box. The loser of an administrator clearly hasn't provided any update for many a full moon. So I just wondered how that's possible.
    I type the words and then click the button. Keep trying. You'll get the hang of it eventually.

    I've been saying it for years. Lame faggot fairies on crappy forums think Capcom are improving the Resident Evil franchise as opposed to tarnishing its legacy. It's all due to them being the sheepfold, as to why the series is a ton of rubbish nowadays.

    Are we adding homophobia to the list of character traits now, or are you just too dumb to know what words mean? We know the latter one is true, but why not both?

  9. #249
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Stuck in a rut

    And having retruned to normal service, the fucknugget is whining about sex workers again...
    Quote Originally Posted by Regenerator
    re: Anyone here think sex is(now)very, very boring and overrated?
    Aug 5, 24 at 10:17pm

    Escorts on adultwork.com like to take the piss. Some of them ask for a deposit, then start icing you. It's clearly a scam.

    The reason the mature ones ask for a deposit, is because certain clients may mess them about. So from their point of view, you can appreciate that business and safety is their priority. But it is a risk sending money to anyone on that site if you haven't seen them before.
    Not half as much as it is a risk for them to respond to Spudanus!
    Anyway, the shitbag continues...

    Quote Originally Posted by Regenerator
    re: Anyone here think sex is(now)very, very boring and overrated?
    Aug 6, 24 at 12:43am

    No, I'm being serious. They get off on wasting men's time who come on there to book them. As a single man, that makes for one hell of a frustrating procedure.

    This is why UKPunting was set up. It's a forum where punters are able to review ladies they saw, so they can explain whether the experience was brilliant or crap. It also helps to expose scammers, and whatnot.

    On X, they just berate guys, boast of sugar daddies and 'simps' being gullible enough to purchase this, that and the third for them, and then they promote misandry with public posts calling men all sorts (previously called tweets). Yet if a dude tells it like it is, they are labelled a misogynist.

    I feel like giving up on the site. They're too egotistical. But I wouldn't bother with Viva Street either. Most of the adverts are fake. You may go to the person's address, to find out it's not the woman in the pictures. So you are basically being duped.

    I contacted this tall woman called Nausi Love, who won the world sex competition, representing Sweden recently. Does a lot of porn. She gets called transgender, but she isn't trans.

    The thing is, she is in La La Land. She wanted way too much for a booking. I see she tours occasionally in London, so I suggested she do a mini tour up in Scotland while she would be in the UK. Makes sense, right? But her reply just seemed overly pompous. Something like, 'I doubt you could afford me even if I did tour' (which I thought was pretty rude). But it goes to their head with being a high class ho.
    So much wrong to unpack there, I'm not sure where to even start. I do find it amusing though for a smegstain that can't make it to the other side of town without having its hand held that it is moaning about someone not wanting to travel from Sweden just for the pleasure of smelling Spudanus's stench.

  10. #250
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 08-10-2024 at 10:18 PM.



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