"You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer
Remember that time Tania called the police on her own fucknugget offspring when he was stalking one of the support workers he sexually harassed?
I'm having major issues with my autism support agency!
Former member
Nov 2, 2014
Ever since 2007, I have been receiving support from a company in Scotland that has an outreach service to aid those with autism. In recent years, they messed things up by arranging four teams. When I say that they messed things up, I mean they placed people into four individual teams, meaning I stopped receiving support from some of the people I liked working with in the past. Now, I am not sure if that qualifies as the seniors messing things up, as such, but that is not the issue at hand here.
Way last year, I got silly after a break-up (well, it was not really a break-up as such), but I asked a woman to date me post separation. One that happened to be one of my support workers.
I had known it was not allowed, but I felt lonely and fed up of my life being emptyish, especially after being financially abused by a woman I had spent years trying to have a relationship with when I finally found her after doing a lot of intense searching and she was my only girlfriend as well, but she also has mental issues and she was only interested in my money. There is a huge lack of women in my life besides using escorts, but I realize I overstepped a boundary.
I have saw my ex-girlfriend on and off, but just as a pal who seems to have an unstable mood that goes up and down like a see-saw.
Anyway, I only wanted another chance with the female support worker and they gave me a single shift with her again in the summer of 2013 as a trial or something, but they never really cleared anything up about it. When I asked about having more shifts, a guy repeatedly fobbed me off and I saw through it, so I got mad, talked about her on Facebook, then shot myself in the foot. After that, they would not put her with me any more, but I still seen her on sleepovers at my supported accommodation, as their office / sleepover flat is next door to where I resided, until July.
Around the same time that I stopped working with the aforementioned woman, I had a key worker who is a Spanish woman and she started off being really sweet. Hispanic ladies are attractive and I fell for her. However, I told a male worker I often played pool with that I talked about her online and he must have reported me. She knew I liked her and eventually, the way she behaved around me altered quite drastically, after being nice to start off with. Then she went and become rather nasty. We had also been in a GUM clinic together once, when I had an STI.
At first, during December, she appeared to be testing me, making me know she may go to South America one day and that "news" bothered me. She probably just said that to see how I would respond, as she knew by that point I fancied her and would have been watching me closely all the time she was around me, but I was oblivious to the fact she already knew I had an infatuation with her. She said to me once at a party in a venue called Number 6 I go to a lot, she was seeing a 'male friend' in town afterwards, which made me feel depressed, then just days later, I called her 'petal' in a text message when she was due to support me, then she went nuts when we were on the bus coming home. When we were back at my flat, I felt agitated over the things she said, so I put my arm around her as she was cleaning my dishes and she freaked out, by overreacting.
Whenever we had shifts after this, she seemed either uncomfortable or she acted mean-spirited. She went up a hill with me on Boxing Day (26 December). When I was atop the hill, I had vertigo like feelings and she ordered me to wear my glasses or she was leaving. A few nights previously, she moved her bar stool away from me in the staff kitchen, making out she needed to stretch her legs, while giving me an odd glance.
Eventually, in early February, we had a seminal shift where we baked a cake and it was a good afternoon. It sadly wound up being our last ever shift together. For weeks after this shift, her bosses fobbed me off about her, like they did with the other woman, but they made out she was still my key worker, but that she was busy and that they needed to utilize her elsewhere. Blah. Blah. Blah.
By the time I found out the truth, I was hurt badly. Attempts to reach out to the two girls beginning with my former key worker always ended in epic failure. Eventually, I ended up arrested several days after I was at a charity band night in July. Then I broke my bail terms a few times by sending vulgar messages on Facebook and I was even arrested near to where one of the women lives. This resulted in me being remanded in prison until a hearing took place. When I was free, I ended up apologizing to them on Facebook thinking it was the decent thing to do, but I was ordered not to contact them and it caused more trouble. So then I later ended up remanded in jail again after my own mother set me up in the park opposite her house.
Since mid-September, I have been highly anxious and I feel angry, and I have had to reside with my parents. I may not go back to my flat until in December and the police took my laptop away, and I do not have a mobile phone that can play music. It is not a good set up at all and being unable to afford all these luxeries makes me even more depressed. If I require anything from my flat, someone else has to go there on my behalf. But it is annoying because it is my home and all my things are there.
When I got out of jail, I had to reactivate my benefits including my Disability Living Allowance and wound up in tons of debt. I just feel so awful these days. And I feel like I ought to be dead, because the boss of the organization will never give me a chance to make things right. They made a 'mountain of a molehill' just over some stupid text messages, then the latter events pretty much ruined my life. Now, I understand they were only my support workers, but they are special to me.
Please help!
Also notice how this close to the event, despite all the yeah-buts there is still a glimmer of recognition that he was responsible for the situation; "I had known it was not allowed", "I realize I overstepped a boundary", "Then I broke my bail terms a few times by sending vulgar messages on Facebook and I was even arrested near to where one of the women lives."
Just a few months later the narrative has shifted more towards paranoid conspiracy, and other people 'overreacting' to his 'boyish' innocence: "I realize they felt uncomfortable over some creepy autistic freak like me having boyish feelings for them, but their supervisors *NEVER* even handled the situation properly to begin with and they never will, so as a result, I ended up charged 8 darn times and jailed 2 times."
So it's official: my life is always going to suck!
Former member
Feb 3, 2015
At least, I think it will. I really no longer have the confidence left in me to bother doing anything and this entire ordeal has hurt my pride. And I will never get a chance to resolve my issues with **** and ******, so there is that as well.
You probably remember me talking about my former support workers and my ex-girlfriend, and well, me bringing up that I was being arrested, etc. In case you forgot, I have a form of autism and these workers ceased supporting me once I become infatuated with them. However, I felt the higher-ups were dishonest about their status as my workers and one thing lead to another.
Rather unfortunately, the urge to contact them has not really ceased at all, even though it runs the risk of me being imprisoned. In fact, I contacted the two ungrateful aides again a few weeks ago on Facebook (****** and my old key worker, ****). Contacting them in the past to say sorry did not result in anything other than me being arrested by the persistent police, and this was no different. The two caregivers just called the police on me again. Surely they know I will get arrested when they contact them, etc. Yet they probably do not care about me in the least.
Naturally, I know contacting them is futile, but I miss them a lot and I am still bailed by the court to my parents' house. You see, the other judge who had me remanded in jail twice before retired to get another job and he was replaced by another judge who had been interested in taken up my case for a while, but they have deferred the end result yet again for to receive a psychiatry report, which means I must go back on 26 February. Now, I have been away from my flat since July and this is just irritating now.
It is totally boring living with my parents and I wasted money on a hooker recently, just because. Why not? It ain't like there is anything better to spend the money on and I am now convinced, I will never be able to move on from this mentally, so I may as well resign myself to a fate of nothingness, because I am sure as hell gonna be getting social workers on my behind and me finding a way to get over this will be too difficult.
When the police arrested me on a Wednesday which was around 2 weeks ago, I had been out much of that day trying to avoid the them. It was cold and I was shattered, so eventually I needed to rest up. Since there was nowhere to stay, I eventually just went back to my parents' house to lay in bed. They are aware I have an older friend I play pool with, so they keep annoying him as well by going to his place if they want to look for me, and they have my 3 sister's addresses on file too, so I cannot crash at theirs either for fear they would show up at one of their flats.
Shortly after going to bed, the police came and my mother let them in. They were arrogant and I was interviewed in front of an appointed adult, then arrested. The next day, I was in the holding cells for bloody ages and then I was extremely fortunate not to have been jailed yet again.
However, the arrest was only over ******, even though contacting **** was about the same stuff. The law sees it as two separate matters if there are two complaints. So I was thinking, yes, I might be arrested again. So I disappeared, feeling frantic. I called a senior and she said 'nobody had called the police, you can go home', blah, blah. Yeah, right.
Guess what? She is an A grade liar. They had been to get me, only I had gone out. My mother never even let on they had been there either, probably because she was hoping I would come in the house again so she could have me shafted. Plus, I know getting arrested on a Friday means you can be stuck in their foul cell until the following Monday.
I went and found a restroom to stay the night in. The next day, I left it at around 11 AM in the morning (this was a Saturday) and I went to a bakery called Gregg's to get a bite to eat. Right after I turned the corner, I was caught. They rang my mobile number a minute beforehand. It come up saying private, but I had my music on so I never heard the two cops approach me. I am sure they somehow traced my phone signal.
It was one of the two same police that arrested me just 2 to 3 nights previously. Anyway, these two other cops came and the guy who found me said they were my taxi home. Since I apparently felt suicidal, they took me to the Royal Edinburgh Hospital which is for people with mental health issues. We waited in there a while as there were other folk ahead of us and they were probably doing this errand not to help me as such, but just to stall until the facts became apparent, because they were getting radio information. They were probably saying "Peter is our guy" and no doubt they would have been mentioning about me breaching my court order. They've taken me to that hospital before, then arrested me after getting all the juicy facts, so I was thinking in my head there was something a bit "ulterior" about their nice ways. They are scum. But since the arrest was similar to the other one, I just got released on an undertaking after signing paperwork.
Seriously, however: I am never, ever going to get over losing my two cherished workers, who, by the way, do not give a rat's arse about me. None of this crap was ever necessary. I realize they felt uncomfortable over some creepy autistic freak like me having boyish feelings for them, but their supervisors *NEVER* even handled the situation properly to begin with and they never will, so as a result, I ended up charged 8 darn times and jailed 2 times.
My life is effectively as good as over, as I cannot get them outta my head. And I quit my support with the company too and I don't even know what will happen to my flat soon, and all my things are still there too. To be honest, I just feel like screaming. Please, can we do something?
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2015
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 04-17-2022 at 07:05 AM.
And by the following year any recognition of culpability has evaporated.
It's just 'poor little me'.
I could cry!
Former member
Apr 3, 2016
I lost my supported flat and my care workers due to how an autism care company in Edinburgh handled me crushing on two women employed there ages ago, and all this heartache started like 3 years ago now.
Well, their bosses lied to me a lot back then, then later they refused to give me a second chance, and I spent months feeling low. So eventually, I got remanded in jail after being arrested and humiliated by the pigs because my sadness turned to anger. The court later sent me back to jail for apologizing to them online, and this maniac attacked me in jail, and I only wanted my life to go back to how it was prior to us fallen out. They have no right to say this is 100% my fault. They also lied about the court. The court contacted them and they dragged my name through the mud while I was ordered to live elsewhere. Oh, yes.
I could not access my flat for many months as the court held off the end result to obtain a ton of reports, and the landlord who is also the assistant head of that agency, well, she later met up with me in her office and cooked up a story about rent arrears so I would sign away my tenancy. She got me to write my name on a piece of paper which had nothing on it.
I quickly breached a CPO last year and they remanded me in jail again. Once was for over 3 months. The other, just 3 days. After deferring sentencing for a stupid breach, they gave me like 2 more of these orders, so this CPO nonsense that should have ended in October now will end in March of next year.
My whole life is tarnished. Other agencies are not really going to be able to offer me suitable help, as the workers cannot always vary their hours and they won't allow me to work with women any longer either, and this supervisor has to see me every so often. He accused me of fancying my dentist.
My things were moved back in with my parents and sister. My sister lives with us now too, and she may lose her son soon due to corrupt social workers. My friend is also now in jail. And I find life stressful.
I still have an obsessive rage lingering in me. Hell, I just wanted my former support workers and myself to all make amends, but all the traitors do is have the pigs arrest me. If I contact them again, I will just end up in jail for a long time. The court have portrayed me to be a stalker. It is all lies. They also demanded me to hand over all my Internet enabled devices.
I felt what occurred was all a misunderstanding that got out of hand. The agency has never treated me right at all. Many of the workers are toffee noses. There was even an older male worker there years ago who sent me abusive emails using an alias, then after a while he acted all sweet so he could make me think things were okay. But I don't have these emails now.
Who needs a support company that lies and stabs one in the back, huh? Sadly, I cannot sue them. They've won. And I allow that to eat me up every single day now.
Ha! thanks! Would never even have occurred to me to look for you there given as how it's a support site for people running the software but, as usual, comprehension is not your strong point.
I found these two threads particularly amusing:
but this one is the real Peter breaking through here, isn't it?
if they lived nearby, I swear I would go to their houses and I'd probably kill them
Peter! You never mentioned that you'd met a famous poet! He even wrote a poem to commemorate you:
Like a Night Club in the morning, you’re the bitter end
Like a recently disinfected shit-house, you’re clean round the bend
You give me the horrors
Too bad to be true
All of my tomorrow’s
Are lousy coz of you
You put the Shat in Shatter
Put the Pain in Spain
Your germs are splattered about
Your face is just a stain
You’re certainly no raver, commonly known as a drag
Do us all a favour, here… wear this polythene bag
You’re like a dose of scabies
I’ve got you under my skin
You make life a fairy tale… Grimm!
People mention murder, the moment you arrive
I’d consider killing you if I thought you were alive
You’ve got this slippery quality
It makes me think of phlegm
And a dual personality
I hate both of them
Your bad breath, vamps disease, destruction, and decay
Please, please, please, please, take yourself away
Like a death a birthday party
You ruin all the fun
Like a sucked and spat our smartie
you’re no use to anyone
Like the shadow of the guillotine
On a dead consumptive’s face
Speaking as an outsider
What do you think of the human race
You went to a progressive psychiatrist
He recommended suicide…
Before scratching your bad name off his list
And pointing the way outside
You hear laughter breaking through, it makes you want to fart
You’re heading for a breakdown
Better pull yourself apart
Your dirty name gets passed about when something goes amiss
Your attitudes are platitudes
Just make me wanna piss
What kind of creature bore you
Was is some kind of bat
They can’t find a good word for you
But I can…
Just a reminder which Peter Anderson we're talking about.
Peter Ross Anderson
2/6 Greendykes house, Greendykes Rd, Edinburgh EH16 4JJ
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
No Peter. I don't remotely care about you any more than an oncologist cares about a tumour, or an exterminator cares about a cockroach. You are something to be dealt with.
You have massively underestimated the number of people you have pissed off.
Were you to die tomorrow the world would be a better place and we could all get on with our day in peace.