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  1. #211
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Sinking to new depths of ignorance

    Quite. Spudanus knows nothing at all about anything. It should just shut up about everything

  2. #212
    Senior Member
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 08-10-2024 at 09:54 PM.

  3. #213
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Twice in one night!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Another thing. Are you like a poofter or something? You talk about my appearance and just a lot of similarly pointless, dumb shit like that, as if you're enamored with me proper. But yeah. We know you're creepy and obsessive that way. You should be more concerned with why you speak that way to begin with. Just some food for thought, James.
    Homophobic much? I would hope that it was very clear by now what a low opinion I have of you - if you are in some way confusing abject disgust with affection, then it is very clear how your problems with women arise.
    Also, still not James.

    Instead of ducking my debate, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Were you sending poison pen letters to film producers about me? You hinted about it before. However, if I'm so talentless as you constantly take jabs at me over, then why do you watch anything with me in it? I'm not gonna claim to be an expert on nutters by any means, so I always assumed that if you did not like a person, especially a stranger you are likely never gonna meet for real, you would not follow them around online trying to catalogue every aspect of their online presence some 20 years after the fact, let alone view movies they are in, and just as an extra. So not to play your armchair doc here, but what's the attraction? People rack their brain trying to understand why you keep doing that on this forum, as well as elsewhere online.
    It's not a debate. For it to be a debate you would need to be capable of making any sort of coherent point, and that would require a smidgen of intellectual capacity - which you clearly lack.
    Don't exaggerate - it's only been a few years Peter. I realise that may seem a lot longer in potato years, but it really isn't.
    Nobody needs to tell any director not to hire you - a quick criminal record check will do that, but failing that, seeing you will definitely convince them.

    Also, what is your fascination with whether my threads on other forums receive a reply? Like, I mean, that's actually pretty obsessive. Your view on that type of thing is mute anyway. You know the actual reason I gain little traction is because at least 95% of message boards lack activity. You even said it yourself once, albeit in a rather sarcastic way. You said to me on YouTube, "What kind of a loser still uses a forum in 2021?" But yes. The definitive answer is that I receive little response, because certain members are morons. Although it is mainly because a lot of people prefer using X or Facebook.
    Awww, snookums. Do you need a hug? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you receive no response because you're the moron?
    Also, "moot" not "mute" fuckwit.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 08-10-2024 at 09:32 PM. Reason: Muphry's law

  4. #214
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2016
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