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  1. #11
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson

    The thing I realised about Peter's dabbling in film is that it has disturbing parallels with his "sex life":

    • It's virtually non-existent, but he nevertheless tries endlessly to talk to strangers on the internet about it;
    • When it does happen, it's deeply awkward, humiliating and embarrassing for all concerned;
    • Mostly it's just him, sorting himself out alone at home, but sometimes he wanders down to the park at night to do it;
    • On the rare occasions it involves other people he's had to pay for it, but even then he doesn't get what he wants and it's just some fleeting appearance at the rear;
    • Afterwards, he just can't let it go, but they never return his calls;
    • It works best when viewed as some sort of satire, but ultimately, nobody wants to see it;
    • He really wishes he could do it with Sylvester Stallone.

    I really hope that's where the similarities end though, given how often Marie and Frank seem to be involved.

  2. #12
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson

    Sorry folks, I realise it's terrible etiquette to add multiple posts to the same thread in quick succession, but I was tired and I'd only skim read Peter's drivel therefore missed these golden nuggets hidden in the stream of watery shite that drips from his stumpy fingers:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kakapo View Post
    I could have easily gotten a solicitor in Australia to deal with your harassment.
    I genuinely lolled - especially as pestering Ponder to help him with this this is what caused Ponder to block him originally.
    Remember when Peter dismissed Murray, and slandered him, and tried sue him, and to get the police to raid his offices (and gave him a bad Yelp review), and then realised he couldn't get another lawyer in Scotland? Even if he could afford one and hadn't spent all his money on Michael Does Life and OnlyFans fetish videos, none of them wanted to touch him with a fucking bargepole: they're dealing every day with scumbag criminal psycho nutjobs, and they know one when the see one. He must have rung every lawyer in Scotland. Before he eventually slunk back to Murray (my goodness that man must have the patience of a saint), he had this cunning plan to get himself arrested so that he could get a free lawyer appointed to him via Legal Aid... Yeah, remember all that? Because it was only weeks ago. Oh god, now imagine all that , but with added time-zones, bad lines, and comedy accent misunderstandings...
    I'd pay to listen to those phonecalls.
    Maybe Peter should set up his own superchat begging scheme.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kakapo View Post
    After all, I have more than enough proof saved.
    Yay! It's the "Edivence"! I've really missed the Edivence, it was one of my favourite characters in previous seasons. Nice callback.
    Maybe Murray's assistant can magically get his life back for him!

    I've saved the best for last though folks.
    This is glorious.
    Could not make this one up if you tried.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kakapo View Post
    Anyone else would have moved on, once they figured they were not interested in speaking to you. Yet you insist, which is the definition of a weirdo.
    That's creepy, and only an idiot with no life would do that.

    I'm stunned.

    Is there some sort of award for the most ironic, least self-aware statement on the internet?
    Maybe we should start one?
    We could call them "The Petey's".
    A little gold statuette of Peter rage-wanking onto a bust of Eddie Guerrero or something tasteful like that?
    I guess most years politicians would win it but that quote there would have to be in the hall of fame or something.
    On the positive side I guess it shoes that some of the things people say to him (repeatedly for decades) do filter through his reality distortion filed and make it into his, um, brain(?), even if he seems unable to process any meaning from them.
    He's a bit like a mynah bird in that respect, though admittedly an unholy, hideous, repulsive, misogynist, racist, aggressive, deviant, evil and thoroughly worthless mynah bird.

  3. #13
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson! (The musical)

    Peter, It's like someone read your mind and set it to music!
    You'll have to flag it on YouTube to try and get it taken down.

  4. #14
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson

    Still not in prison, eh?
    Presumably they think he's too mentally unfit for a normal prison, and the paperwork to get him committed is just so onerous...
    Anyway, as he's apparently retiring form forums, we'll never hear form him again, so we have that to look forward to.

  5. #15
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson

    Also bumping this thread for the benefit of those new to this party, as Peter seems so intent on sending traffic here as part of his weird humiliation kink.
    Unfortunately it's a bit disjointed as Peter has deleted his posts, but you get the general drift.

  6. #16
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  7. #17
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson is a drain on the Scottish taxpayers

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Hey, asshole.

    You a jobless bogan, or something?

    Too much free time on your hands there, son.
    Again, I love the way when you need to think up an insult, you just repeat things other people have clearly shouted at you. Sometimes I can practically hear it in your mother's voice.

  8. #18
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson

    You go offline for a week and miss all the fun. Typical.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    If you want, I'll upload the videos of me talking to him on the phone.
    Oh god yes please its been a hard week and I think we could do with a giggle.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    No Peter, the court appointed psychiatrist said you had a personality disorder. Remember?
    Pot kettle black. You are one twisted fuck.
    "You're the worst thing that ever happened to me." --Marla Singer

  10. #20
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson is an evil resident

    Also bumping this as a reminder as to why this is all going on here specifically

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterAndersonIsARacist View Post
    I thought you said you were happy ignoring things you didn't like? I've been keeping it in this thread and I've not directed anything at other users. I have zero interest in engaging with anyone else here who doesn't engage me directly. Clearly you feel you have to stick your oar in.
    And a semantic point - a troll is someone who wants to trigger an angry reaction and gain engagement. I want precisely the opposite. I want to suppress engagement. I want silence. I guess that would make me a heckler.
    In another context I might would have more sympathy for you and the other users, but frankly I really don't.
    On most forums where Peter decides to post, the local users are quite quick to see through Peter's bullshit and call him out on it. That's why he's banned from so many, and shunned or ignored on more.
    On this forum, not only did no-one challenge his clearly sociopathic behaviour (and you really don't have to try that hard to read between the lines of his own posts to see that by his own admission Peter has been harassing, abusing, stalking people for years - but apparently they were asking for it, so that's OK), but here, uniquely, you actively offered him support and encouragement to continue in this behaviour.
    When he shared a video of his own lawyer telling him that he was extremely lucky not to be in jail having - and I quote - "harassed the fuck out of these women" you encouraged him to continue harassing them.
    When he shared videos saying he intended to attack police with a claw hammer (having previously shared videos saying he wanted to bomb the police station, and shoot police with a rifle) you went off on your own rant about the police.
    If at any point you had actually behaved like decent human beings I wouldn't ever have have felt the need to post here at all, and certainly not in such an extreme way. He has made so many people's lives such utter misery and caused so much harm and pain and suffering in the world and you pat him on the back and tell him to keep on trying.
    You gave refuge to a monster, and hey, guess what, the villagers have turned up, and they're pissed off, so best keep out of the way, eh?

    And just to be clear here, this isn't about Peter having strong opinions on Resident Evil or some harshly worded forum posts. This isn't as he repeatedly states, and may even believe, anything to do with defunct gaming websites. This is about the type of monster on the internet mothers warn their children of. He has engaged in constant slander, sexual harassment, stalking - online, in their place of work, by phone, and in the real physical world - harassing their friends, their families, their employers, and sending people threats of violence and death threats. He is a misogynist and a racist and dangerously deluded. He has been arrested and sent to prison repeatedly for this shit and yet every time he's released he starts again. The only reason he isn't more dangerous is his sheer stupidity and incompetence, but he seems to sometimes be able to persuade other gullible people to act on his behalf. Some of these women have been enduring this for nearly two decades now, so if you're a bit sad by having to see some swear words in your peripheral vision on a website, for a few weeks well, boo-fucking-hoo, my heart fucking bleeds.

    My objective isn't even to get Peter to stop posting entirely. I don't think that's healthy - especially as he has no other outlet, having alienated literally everyone else he's ever had contact with.
    If he wants to come on here and whine about computer games, or his family, or other stuff I frankly don't give two shits, and I will leave you all alone. I have no desire to poke the bear. But that's not what he's doing. He's been using this forum, completely unchallenged, as a tool to harass other people - and that has to stop. Whether that be direct or oblique references to his former support workers, filmmakers, random people on the internet, or this mythical supposedly Australian guy he has beef with, and whether that's direct attacks here, linking from here to attacks hosted on other sites, or trying to coerce people here to swat his victims I don't distinguish - any of that will trigger a response here from me.
    If he steers clear of that, I will leave you all alone.
    If you want to add me to your blocklist go right ahead - I nether seek nor want your attention.
    And honestly, if me calling him out drives new users away from this forum then that's maybe not such a bad thing, because as far as I can tell, this forum appears to me not a healthy place for anyone to be.



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