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  1. #161
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 07-29-2023 at 11:03 AM.

  2. #162
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Inimitable potato; Accept no substitute

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Why in the blue fuck are you still trying to impersonate me (as thesaunderschild) on other forums, besides being a twat, and spamming on here? And yes. These sock puppet accounts are all your making. How do I know that, then? For starters, you posted your usual junk in every section on here again, which in all honesty man, nobody reads or cares about, only to leave this one alone so I could easily see your comment.

    So, yeah. I'd say that this tactic is a hefty confirmation that you're James, the drongo.

    Imagine being in his 30s, like you are, and still being an asshole over old, long forgotten of Resident Evil post board shit, that actually unfolded decades ago online. So someone needs a new hobby.
    Sorry, still not James.
    Nobody could ever truly impersonate you Peter, not without being lobotomised and being injected with dangerous amounts of bile and fat anyway.
    As I've said before, none of the other accounts on here are me.
    That said, even the ones on here posting as "thesaunderschild" aren't impersonating, they are mocking you. Different concept, different word. You should maybe start looking up definitions of words before using them. It might make your ranting a bit more coherent. You might even learn something.
    Sorry, what am I saying.
    You'd need a fucking brain for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Yeah. You're gonna come here later saying you're not James and so on. So there's no point in entertaining your nonsense any further.
    Yes I am, because I'm not James. You say you don't care, and yet still you continue to post endlessly about this imaginary James.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    By the way, you can stop lying about other stuff too, because you definitely seen the porn I was in once.

    I saw you signing up as tricks.

    Oh, and that was right after I spoke of tricks while doing the deed with her, in the clip..
    What the blistering fuck? How is that even a thing? Or is this some new easter egg buried in that tedious Dulvey shite, with Frank force feeding sildenafil down your gullet in an attempt to get your saggy potato prick working?
    No I have never seen porn with you in it. I know this absolutely, because I haven't had to gouge my eyes out with a rusty, acid soaked teaspoon - which is something I would undoubtedly have to do if I had seen that.
    Does it look like this?

  3. #163
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Spudanus is the real victim here

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Starring in porn flicks with tricks. The idiot Scotty is more delusional than the psychiatric report says.
    Quite, although given the potatofaced moron's insanely low bar as to what constitutes acting or appearing in a film, it's equally likely it has confused "starring in porn" with catching sight of its own reflection on the screen as it wanks off to the latest Silent Hill press release.

    Meanwhile the revisionist recidivist continues to try to spin variants of the same old "they had it coming" victim-blaming spiel in this totally unironic "it takes one to know one" sex offender thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask

    Today at 4:27 AM

    I don't remember having any problems with him. He seemed the quiet sort.

    A bunch of Number 6 associated people began blocking my sister on Facebook recently, due to her falling out with somebody. I haven't gone to that place in ages, because the company Autism Initiatives is full of tossers.

    Number 6 is a place for service users to attend in Edinburgh. The outreach support is something that gets arranged separately through a diagnosis or a request.

    Yeah. I moved into one of their supported flats and got fucked over for liking my key worker, who is this Spanish woman. They kept calling the police to screw me over and then kept lying by saying they never called them, which is utter nonsense. When I got remanded, they tried to smooth things over with my mum, by admitting they didn't handle things properly. But they were just trying to save face, since they knew they were bullshitters.

    So while some service users are odd, like the chap from this news piece, the staff are just as questionable. But of course, I had to get mad and act like a tit over the situation. Hoist on my own petard.

    Imagine having a guy sending you dumb emails though, about your ex. That happened before the Spanish woman started working there, so that's a different problem entirely. It doesn't really matter how long ago it was. It's still inappropriate. Then his stupid ass confessed to doing it as well. I traced an IP address to a hotel one time. It's beyond a joke.

    I haven't had support workers in years, to be honest. I'd only trust them as far as you can throw them. They don't answer to you either. They're connected to social services. My sister has had it awful with them for years.

    Now perhaps some of them are okay. But you should probably watch what you say to them. They have to make out reports on your support sessions, which are filed away.
    It baffles me how the cuntwomble never stops to ponder that maybe the reason it gets on so well with other sex offenders and psychopaths is because they are all cut from the same cloth...
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-30-2023 at 12:16 PM. Reason: give --> given

  4. #164
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 07-30-2023 at 04:02 PM.

  5. #165
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - Craigmillar's answer to Bernard Manning

    And what better way to round of a busy weekend of being a potato, than with some pithy old-school 1960s style casual racism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    15 minutes ago

    My mate Frank keeps calling foreign people kebabs.

    Never let a Paki take a corner shot in football. They'll build a shop there.

  6. #166
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - Unplug your potato

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Hey, how about you stop posting shit on this forum and shut the fuck up, you dolt?
    Yet again, Potatohead just parrots what everybody else says to it on a daily basis...

  7. #167
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 07-30-2023 at 04:50 PM.

  8. #168
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - unwanted form the start

    Quote Originally Posted by The Scottish Pedro View Post
    Nah. That's crap.
    Which is what Tania said to the midwife - but nevertheless they took you home and named you.

  9. #169
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    Last edited by The Scottish Pedro; 07-31-2023 at 02:10 AM.

  10. #170
    Peter's Conscience
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    Peter Ross Anderson - the turd remains

    Spudanus is doing its semi-regular "retiring from the internet" grand tour - albeit in the diminishing pool of sites it isn't permabanned from.
    The fucknut tends to do this when it's under increased scrutiny, and especially if it thinks it might be incarcerated for a period, presumably as a preemptive explanation for its absence.
    As well as forswearing YouTube forever, the anal wart has tried to redact some of the 'edivence' of its pathetic existence, which is certainly a welcome development, though sadly incomplete.

    I give it a couple of months, tops, assuming the cuntwomble isn't banged up.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 08-16-2023 at 03:17 PM. Reason: fixed the typo: fr --> for, because that's the only thing Spudanus could legitimately find fault with



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