While we wait, unfortunately, we can still expect to see insightful gems of geopolitical analysis such as this:
Poor Spudanus can't even do racism right...Originally Posted by Flask
While we wait, unfortunately, we can still expect to see insightful gems of geopolitical analysis such as this:
Poor Spudanus can't even do racism right...Originally Posted by Flask
Why procrastinate? Never put off to tomorrow, that which can be done today.
Again we see the failure to comprehend the simple notion that different users are different people; Compare and contrast:Originally Posted by Library Ghost
Yes, nothing at all like the perfectly sane belief that everyone who dislikes Spudanus is the same person.Originally Posted by Orange Chocolate Crunch
No, that's not delusional at all.
Totally different.
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 11-19-2023 at 01:54 PM. Reason: missing word
They say that blood is thicker than water, and surely none can be quite as thick as the Andersons....
Radge pot indeed.Originally Posted by Flask
The Spudsister is clearly delusional: Next she'll be proclaiming she's an actor, thinking everyone is Australian, and trying to sue everyone including the police, the court and her own lawyer.
It's the last line that slays me though:
Well, quite.Originally Posted by Flask
So Spudanus' latest self-pitying whine about a disappointing daytrip to Livingston wouldn't normally merit a mention, other than adding another data point for Calhoun and Weston:
So, just the standard delusional fucknugget whine there. At least it got it out out the city for a while. Livingston is a low-rise suburban mediocrity with nothing much to see, but the trip home would have passed the bings - massive waste heaps from oil mining - which would have been a nice boost for the shitstain: to see that there was at least one thing in Scotland that was a bigger pile of discarded waste than itself....Originally Posted by Flask
Anyway, the bit that made me spit out my coffee and make this post was the follow up comment:
Poor Murray. I'm sure that call will be something he can look forward to.Originally Posted by Flask
Perhaps Murray can dig out that infamous USB stick with the mingecheese's Edivence while he's at it?
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 03-09-2024 at 06:12 AM. Reason: "Any chance you can allow editing after 5 minutes? It's just that some phones have auto-correct or no spell checker anymore."
At this point I'm not overly optimistic.
The legal system seems to be constantly deferring actually dealing with the little jizzstain, perhaps hoping the problem just goes away if they ignore it.
It's not like Scottish police have a great track record when dealing with complaints and warnings about aberrant shitbags when it's sex workers that they are targeting.
Maybe the fucktard will do the workd a favour and topple out the window whilst trying to get a better 4G signal, but I suspect nothing will be done until the mingestain does something newsworthy.
It's almost beyond parody, isn't it? It still never ceases to amaze me just how stupid the cuntwomble is. I suppose it is very hard for a potato to have any thoughts at all, so on the rare, once a decade occasion that it actually has an idea, no matter how clearly batshit that idea might be, it clings on to it as though it were the one true ring.
The festering scrotewart continues to increase its travel options. Having had a recent daytrip to Livingston at Scottish taxpayers' expense to waste the court's time, the shitbag seems to have its sights set on a jaunt to Glasgow next:
It's almost as though actions have consequences... That's the joy of the internet, isn't it? The shitstain can harass people well beyond the range of a Lothian Buses DAYticket.Originally Posted by Caffeine Addict
Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 03-18-2024 at 08:08 PM.
Livingston Sheriff Court
Tuesday 26 March 2024
Accused Details Court Ref No PF Ref No Court Room Hearing Time Peter ROSS ANDERSON SCS/2023-066642 LI22000179 Court 4 10:00