Wow. What a messed up world it is out there. The amount of social engineering going on at the moment is too insane to get a foot hold anywhere. Finding a title this time around for another comeback 'episode' reveals to me just how fractal this prison really be. Such is the program. Finding a string or words that best defines the complexities of breaking free from a never-ending cycle of continuous self identifying; is as fractal as it gets. So it is that I begin outlining the next pattern where I pick up material that allows for another bout of stimulating posts that lead to my own style of personal programming that I'm known to do, or rather feel I must continue to do. However to do so in a world full of hackers is no easy task.

Deprogramming in this world takes a Life Time!

More thoughts to come. 010101010101010101010101

I am currently unvaccinated, however am not overly concerned knowing that it's just a matter of time before I am. (Another fractal statement that goes around and around) The Us and Them mentality spawn from 'influencing programming' being part of the self identifying algorithm, is what keeps the whole separated and will be key to my ongoing revelations. More so how such a key is used as an anchor to keep the mind from breathing whilst its chained to the bottom of the sea.

Until next post ... I pause whilst holding my breath.