Operation day tomorrow. I had to seek out someone today to help with the extreme pain in my upper back /shoulder blade adjacent to the torn ligament that's been replaced tomorrow. I got a Bowen massage. I was desperate and hopefully there won't be any adverse side affects as listed online. The pain in the back of my left shoulder is still very much present, but seems slightly more manageable. I have had no sleep for days now - yet again. Time to take another pain killer - its been two days since that last and it seems OK to do so regardless of surgery. I will be in hospital for a couple of days. The pulled chess muscle still hurts when I cough but no where near as bad when I did it eight days ago.

I am worried about my back/should neck on the opposite side to busted shoulder now having packed it in given that is the side of my body that needs to work after surgery. I guess I got some major pain for at least the next solid week with pain progressing into the following weeks after that. I just focus on keeping it together in public space ... regardless of the hospital being private. My support companion will be with me all the way up until I am anesthetized. Both the surgeon and anesthetist are on par with that. I also got a single room and they even changed the number of nurses from 4 down to 2 when doing the change over in my room.

I'm truly going to be screwed when I have to return to the public system. No more accidents! I need to wrap myself up on cotton wool.