Quote Originally Posted by jon mike View Post
Derealization symptoms are back after a lovely 6 year break. I had CBT, rid myself of most anxiety. February i had a horrible random panic attack the morning after a night out. Completely out of the blue, forgot all techniques and went to anxiety hell at full steam.
Currently I'm fearing the fear of derealization that i cant quite escape from. It's cycling my anxiety because i the awful thoughts and feelings. My house looks so different and it's the world's worst. I am winning through accepting it all over again. I just need some advice maybe on techniques, tips anything anyone think may help. Thanks
What is CBT? It finally came to me one day that the reason I experience derealization or depersonalization is because I am alone too much. Nobody to talk to. I need to be desensitized by getting out of the house more. Even if it just means driving to the shopping center here in town and sitting in the parking lot in my car watching people go by. I try to get to the grocery store every day to just up an item or two just to get out of the house and desensitize myself. I think it's working but man it's a slow process.