I'm really struggling. I've never been on medication before other than occasional penicillin and Tylenol. I had an experience in august where a new dr I put trust in put me on blood pressure medication when I don't have high blood pressure. It almost killed me. Since then I have daily constant anxiety. I've also become a hypochondriac. I'm terrified of everything and constantly feel aches and things in my body and become paranoid. I was given 2 strengths of clonazepam. 1st .5 mg which I couldn't bring myself to take. Discussed it with my Dr and she recommended trying .25 mg orally disintegrating tablets. I just stare at the bottle almost crippled with fear of taking them. I have all of these feelings all day long. Dizzy, lightheaded, stomach in knots, etc. I just am overcome with worry at the thought of adding more to this via side effects. I am in the weeds and fast becoming hopeless. I dont know what to do. I'm asking for opinions, experience, guidance, etc. please help if you can.