Quote Originally Posted by gypsylee View Post
Hey and welcome

I'm a recovered alcoholic (since 2010 but with many relapses). I actually wanted to reassure you that a litre of bourbon in 4 days isn't that bad. I used to live with a guy who drank a 750ml bottle a day - 500ml at night and 250ml before work! I saw him last year and I'm amazed he's still alive, but men's bodies do tend to cope better with alcohol (I ended up in ICU with pancreatic necrosis).

So even though 250ml/day is enough to make you feel pretty bad it's not a huge amount. Good on you for stopping.. You do get to the stage where you don't even think about it most days

Gypsy x
Thank you very much Gypsy! It's crazy how the stuff gets a hold of you. I have to treat it like a drug now. I will say, I never had blackouts, vomiting, or all these horror stories I've heard. I played drums in a band and we drank a lot. One of my bandmates would have to be picked up from the sewer drain out behind the bar by the bouncer... I never experienced that. I always felt good, happy, and comfortable. And I remember all those memories from then of feeling good... which is what makes it so much worse and easier to abuse. There must be some sort of gene that allows some to 'hold their drink' better than others, but for me, just felt nice and happy. However, fear of what would be happening to my body and wanting to be here for my boys is what brought me to quit. I'm positive that was brought about by God. He gave me a 'heads up' as to what I was doing, because really, I didn't even think about it.

Hope things are good for you. Necrosis is a big deal.

Thanks again!